T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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~ Chapter 27 | Wednesday, July 3rd~

I WOKE UP WITH THE BIGGEST boner I have ever had in my entire life. The dreams were back and I hated myself more than anything again.

It was the almost the same dream as last time when I was about to kiss Kabelo but this time we were kissing were we lied the day before. The day where his lips brushed against mine.

I started to think that maybe I imagined it. Maybe it didn't happen because when it supposedly happened, Kabelo didn't give me any reaction. If it would've happened he would have said something, right?

I looked over at Kabelo who was starting to wake up and I immediately rolled out of bed and fell down onto the floor.

"Shit," I whispered.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes!" I said quickly. "Just stay where you are and don't look down at me?"

"Why not?"

"Close your eyes!"



"Okay, closed."

I quickly looked up to see if he was lying or not and he wasn't so I quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom, stubbing my toe on the door.

"Fuck!" I hollered before I slammed the door. I could only imagine the snickering of Kabelo.

I looked down at myself and saw that I was a bit wet. It wasn't that noticeable which was good.

What was I thinking? It was all bad! Why couldn't it just been a pee boner---which was totally common for guys---instead I had a boner boner. The wet dream kind and I didn't understand it.

What was my obsession with Kabelo and his lips? Why did I want to kiss him? I was straight. I dated nothing but girls and got solid for nothing but girls. I never felt that way towards a boy, I never wanted to kiss a boy.

I couldn't understand it and I didn't need to because I wasn't gay. I just couldn't be.


"Morning, Alvin," Mrs. Sterling greeted.

Her and Kabelo were eating breakfast when I entered. "Morning. Where's Mr. Sterling?" I asked as I scooted my seat over a bit. No one noticed because they were too into their food.

"Work," she answered simply. She then looked up at me and her brows pulled together out of curiosity.

I just gave her a smile and prayed that she wouldn't say anything. I didn't want Kabelo to know that I was being weird around him because that's when questions started to be asked and I was not in the mood for that.

After breakfast, I went outside for some fresh air and just walked around for a bit. I didn't enjoy my walk but I also just didn't want to be in the house with Kabelo.

When I realized that feeling sweaty and sticky wasn't worth it, I went back inside and took a shower. When I got out, I walked into Kabelo's room where he was sitting and watching T.V.

I had a pair of shorts on but I was still shirtless with a bit of water slipping down into my boxers. I forgot to bring in my deodorant so I had to grab it from my backpack.

"Is something the matter?" He asked.

I popped the top off of my deodorant and then started applying it. "Nothing." I couldn't even look at him.

"Are you sure? You haven't really been around me today? Not that I need you to be but it feels weird without you next to me."

I chuckled. "Well, get used to it because after this visit is over we won't be next to each other this much."

"Why did you say it like it that?"

"Say it like what?"

Kabelo sighed and then went back to watching T.V. "Nothing. Forget I said anything."

"Why are you being like that?"

He was ignoring me and his brows were pulled together in anger. I had to make it better. I decided to jump on the bed next to him so I could lie down.

"Kabelo," I whispered. He was still ignoring me so I started to poke his leg. "Kabelo," I sang. "Please speak to me. I'm sorry."

He started to smile. I raised my hand up to his cheek and poked him with a, "Boop." He was smiling. I kept poking him until he looked over at me.


"I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me."

"Okay but you have to tell me what's the matter with you? Yesterday, we were best friends and today you've been avoiding me. You probably didn't think I noticed but at breakfast, there was this space between us and it broke my heart."

I sighed. I couldn't tell him the truth because I didn't want to give him the wrong idea. "I just had a bad dream. It was about you and stuff happened."

"Like what?"

"Like we stopped being friends. In my dream you hated me and it just felt so real."

"I guess I understand. Sometimes I have real feeling dreams and it just makes things awkward."


"So what did you do today?"

"Nothing. I was just walking around for a bit."

"Want to do something tonight? We can go to my favorite arcade place and then out to eat?"

I looked up at him and shook my head. "No. I think we should just hang out inside for today." I lied my head on his lap and he started to play with my hair.

"That works for me but tomorrow we have to do something."

"Of course."

"Maybe you can show me around town and take me to some of your favorite spots. Maybe even go out to eat or the movies. Up to you."

His fingers ran through my hair and then gently scratched my head.

"Sounds like a plan to me."

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