T H I R T Y - S I X

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~Chapter 36 |Saturday, August 3rd ~

EVERYTHING WAS GOING AS planned. Ashley finally agreed to go out to dinner with me for her final blind date and I couldn't have been happier. I didn't even care about winning the money. All I cared about was giving Ashley to the boy she deserved.

But everything didn't stop there, Kabelo was also apart of my plan and if things went as planned, he was going to be mine.

I stopped at a few stores and was easily able to grab what I needed. On top of that, the weather was good and despite my parents being homophobes, Dawson seemed to be happier than ever. I also did not have to work so a huge weight of stress was taken off from that. The stars were finally aligning.

All I had to do was go home and get ready for the night that I prayed ended well.


"I can't believe you're doing this," Dawson said as he sat down next to me.

I nervously chuckled as I stared down at my phone. "I know. It's crazy."

"I would love it if we could come with," Mai said.

I looked over at her and smiled. "You know what, that would be a great idea. I need all the emotional support I can get."

Mai excitedly clapped her hands and jumped up from the bed. "Yay! I'm going to go get ready, right now!"

"Me too. I've been waiting to have a reason to get out of this dump!"

I chuckled and watched as Mai scurried out of my room. Before Dawson could exit, I stood up and grabbed his arm. "Wait."

He turned to me and I just pulled him into a hug. "Thank you for being there for me. You're a really cool brother, you know that?"

"Only the best. I guess you're okay too."

I laughed and shuffled his hair before I pushed him out of my room. I then closed the door right after him and let out a sigh. I started pacing around my room and then I went over the plan and what I was going to say.

"Hey, Kabelo. Sorry for being-"


"Attention everyone, I-"


I sighed and sat down on my bed. "Maybe instead of planning what to say, I should just go with the flow. I want everything to come from the heart, no script." I smiled. "Sounds like a good idea to me."

Someone knocked on my door. "Alvin! Who are you talking to?" My mother asked.

I chuckled. "Uh...No one."


And so, we were on our way. It was 8:55 p.m. and I was well over late. Don't know how it happened but I was. Ashley was blowing up my phone asking where her date was and James was blowing up my phone asking where I was. I had to convince Ashley to stay and that it was worth it and I had to keep James calm by telling him to blame it all on me.

When I picked James up, he went on and on and on about how nervous he was and how it was indeed my fault and that if Ashley wasn't there when he got there, he was killing me.

I just laughed it all off and told him that he would be alright but in reality, I wasn't too sure about that. I just hoped she stayed, she had to.

We made it to The Grill, an hour late and as soon as I unlocked the door, James ran to the door and it turned out, he caught Ashley right when she was about to leave.

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