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~ Chapter 13 ~

"WAIT NO. Y-You got to be kidding me," Kabelo blurted.

I turned to him and he turned to me.

"You know I do not kid around, Kabelo. Now get your ass up and go into that closet."

I stood up and motioned Kabelo to come. "Let's just get this over with Kabelo."

"Alvin, we don't have to do this."

"It's the game. I'll be waiting for you inside," I said before I made my way inside the closet. Camila smiled at me as she held the door open and took my phone.

Everyone was staring at Kabelo which was obviously freaking him out. He kept swallowing and his eyes darted all around the place until they landed on me. They stopped on me and I gave him a smile letting him know that it'll be okay.

He smiled back. It was tiny but effective. He quickly got up, keeping his head down and joined me in the closet.

"Enjoy," Camila said as she slowly closed the door.

Everyone on the outside clapped and cheered until the door completely closed. Kabelo and I weren't looking at each other. I was looking at the doorknob and when I turned to him, I saw him looking down at his feet while frantically fiddling with his hands.

"Finally alone," I said.

He looked up at me. He opened his mouth but didn't say anything, he just looked back down. The closet was tight which left a small space in between us. I could barely lift my hand past my hip; that's how close we were. If there weren't bins of clothing stacked up behind me or the boxes that were behind Kabelo, we probably could've stood a little further apart.

Maybe then it would have made things a bit less awkward. The dim light didn't help since it set the mood for something hot and steamy.

"Just so you know we are not kissing."

He quickly looked up at me and a wave of relief washed over his face. "But it's the game. I thought you were a team player?" Was he disappointed?

I chortled. "I am but I can tell you don't want to kiss me and I don't want to kiss you either. If we look at this on the bright side, we can use this time to get to know each other. I mean, wasn't that the purpose of me coming here?"

"Y-yeah." He smiled. "So what do you want to know about me?"

"Well, question 1 is that I noticed you're not wearing glasses tonight. Why is that?"

"I only wear my glasses when I go to work."

"Where do you work?"

"I'm a writer slash editor for Forward Magazine."

"Woah, that's cool. You're not a college student?"

"Oh god no. I finished college about a year ago. Are you still in college?"

"Yeah, I'm about to be a Junior."

"You look a lot older."

I chuckled. "And you look a lot younger."

He chuckled. "So where do you work?"

"I work at A&S downtown. It's not as cool as your job."

"What are you going to school for?"

"I'm in school for business management. There's no special reason why. I just think it'll be cool to own a business."

"That would be cool."

"So do you like working for Forward? That's a pretty huge company. James is obsessed with a comic created by Dean Marks."

"Dean Marks is incredible. He's one of my inspirations but working at Forward is good but-" He looked away, "sometimes I don't think I deserve to be there. Like I just got in just because I'm really good friends with the guy whose father runs the place. I actually want to pitch a story idea to them but I'm sure it'll just get denied."

"You don't know that for sure though." He was looking at me again. "I say you should pitch your idea and even if it doesn't make it through, you can always try again. Don't give up on your dreams because I know you can do it."

He smirked. "Thanks."

"If you don't mind, I would like to read some of your work if you have any."

"I-I do actually. I've written a lot of my story. It's at home." He was grinning. "Wow, no one has ever been interested in reading my stuff before. That's actually pretty exciting."

"Well, you excite me." We stood there in silence for a moment. "I wonder how much time has passed."

"We just have to keep talking until we hear her coming towards the door. We can pretend to kiss or something."

I chuckled. "Okay, so I have a question for you?"

"Ask it."

"Describe your idea of a perfect date," I asked.

He hummed. "I actually don't know what my idea for a perfect date is. I think just being with a person I really like is enough to make any date feel perfect."

"Good answer."

"What about you?"

"My perfect date would be spent doing a bunch of fun stuff."

"Like an arcade or amusement park?"

"Something like that. Then, afterward, I would take my date out to eat. Somewhere not too cheap but also not too expensive and then afterward I would like to lie under the stars or just go back to my place for some alone time. I think that's the perfect date."

He bit his bottom lip and was smiling really hard this time. "That's actually cute."

His foot touched mine but I didn't move back. He was closer to me than ever before but I didn't want to move. I liked him being that close. I just looked into his brown eyes and stared at myself in them. I then looked down at his nose and then his lips. Why was I staring at his lips?

"You know I never kissed anyone before."

I gasped. "Are you for real?" He nodded. I smirked. "Well, if everything goes right. I think I could help you with that."

He looked down at our feet but I knew he was smiling. "Why do I feel oddly comfortable with you right now?"

"Maybe because we are a few inches apart from each other." He looked up at me and his eyes seemed to be fixated on my lips so I licked them; they could've been crusty. "I could say the same though. I can tell that you're a good dude."

I noticed Kabelo moving closer to me. He then brought his hands up to my face and I felt myself moving in closer to him. My eyes were beginning to shut and I could smell the mint that was on his breath. His breath brushed across my lips and I couldn't help but lick them and give them a small bite.

My heart was moving fast as I felt his nose touch mine and I didn't even notice when I did it but my hands were around his waist. His were brushed up my shoulders and then his hands grabbed the back of my head.

I could feel my pants getting tighter and tighter as I felt his warmth. I couldn't help but press myself up against him and that's when I felt something through his pants; we were touching each other. I was breathing so hard when suddenly, the door swung open.

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