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~ Chapter 10 | Saturday, June 15th ~


I tossed my black jeans across the room. "Okay, so I guess I won't be wearing those anymore then."

"Women like men with a whole lot of ass too! I think you should wear the black ones."

"No, I'm going to go with the light denim."

"Okay but those make your ass look even fatter."

I sighed as I plopped down on my bed. "You're no help."

She laughed at me. "What are you getting dressed up for anyways?"

"Well, I'm going to a party with a special someone."

"Ooh, do tell."

"I can't tell. Just know that this person might become part of our family. I have a feeling that this person will be around for a while."

"Well, I think the girl I have picked out for you will make you think otherwise."

"Please don't tell me it's another guy."

She chortled. "I promise it's an actual female."

I showed Ashley how excited I was with a telling countenance. "You're going to be looking at the ceiling for a bit."

"Ugh, okay."

I put down my phone and went digging through my drawer for something to wear. Meanwhile, Ashley was telling me about work and how this bitch ass customer tried to tell her how to do her job.

"And then I was like okay, bitch! How about you take my name tag, clock in and do my job since you know how to do it so well!"

I laid out my second outfit on my bed and chuckled. "You did not actually say that."

"Okay so I didn't say bitch but I said everything else but you want to know the funny thing?"

I was staring at both of the outfits I had laid out on my bed and I was thinking about how they would look on me. On one side there was simple white t-shirt with a black bomber jacket paired with my black jeans and on the other side was a floral buttoned-up shirt matched with dark pants.


"I'm sorry. Yeah, I need your help now." I picked up my phone from my bed and flipped the camera. "Which one?"

She hummed. "Well, it depends on what kind of impression you're trying to make. The one with the bomber jacket seems a bit more causal, like you're about to hang out with a good friend and the one with the floral shirt looks more like you're going on a date because there's more thought into it, I think. Personally, I'd say go with the floral just because."

"Okay, I think I'll go with-"

"Dawson, go back upstairs and change your outfit now!" My mother hollered.

Suddenly, I heard the slamming of a door that shook my room. I just stared at my door for a few seconds and tried to listen for Dawson but all I was able to hear was him sniffling a bit.

"What's going on?"

"I'll talk to you later. I think I need to go downstairs."

"Okay, good luck tonight."



"What's going on down here?" I asked as I walked into the living room.

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