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~ Chapter 17 ~


My door clicked open and I grabbed the handle. Before I could open it, I turned to Ashley and smiled. "Thank you."

She kissed me on the forehead and smiled. "You're welcome. You deserve to be with the girl who has always been the one for you."

I was confused as what she meant by that and I'm sure that it was shown on my face as well but I tried to cover it up with a smile and a nod. I got out of the car and closed the door behind me. I then slowly made my way to the door of the diner. In big neon letters, the place read, "The Grill." I loved The Grill, my favorite restaurant ever. Not too expensive but also not cheap.

I grabbed a hold of the door to the restaurant and turned to Ashley giving her one last smile before I went in to meet my blind date that I surprisingly still didn't know the name of. There was a family ahead of me speaking to the host and that's when I got a text from Ashley.

"She's going to be sitting at the booth we sat at a few years back."

I smirked and looked up from my phone. I knew exactly where that was. I was greeted by a lady who told me her name was, Emma, and she asked me if my name was Alvin and I just nodded. She then took me to the spot where Ashley told me my date was going to be and I took a seat.

"Is she here?" I asked.

"She was but I think she might be in the bathroom."

"Ah, okay."

She gave me a smile. "She seemed really excited to meet you. She couldn't stop talking about you when she got here."

"Oh wow. That's sweet."

Emma nodded. "Someone will be with you in a moment to serve you."

I smiled. "Thanks."

I watched as she walked off with a smile and then I started to look around at all the women who got up and walked around the place. I was waiting for one of them to walk over to my table and take a seat in front of me but none of them did---ten minutes had passed.

"Hello, would you like a drink to start you off?" The waiter asked.

"I'm good. Just waiting for my date. I'll order when she gets here."

He just nodded and walked off to help a couple across from me. It was a gay couple, two men. One had fiery red curls and the other one---who I was actually able to see the face of---was tanned skinned with short silky looking hair. You could tell it was freshly cut. I watched as they chatted and laughed and gazed at each other and I even watched them share a kiss. I didn't realize it but I was watching for a good twenty minutes before they left.

Every time one of the workers would come over to ask if I was ready to order, I would just shake my head and they would go the other way. I started to play games on my phone to pass the time. Sadly, I wasn't able to keep playing because I got a warning that my phone was dying.

"I could've sworn you were just on 87 percent!" I growled and pocketed my phone.

I had to face the facts; she wasn't coming. I was sitting with my head down and that's when I got a tap on the shoulder.

I sat up. "You know what, I think I'll order now." I didn't realize that the person that tapped me was Kabelo. "Oh, Kabelo! Wh-What are you doing here?"

"I work here."

"I thought you-"

"Part-time. I got no one to go home to and barely any friends. The ones I do have are too busy with their own lives so I get kind of lonely. At night, I work here."

"Oh. That's cool." I looked at him up and down. "Where's your apron?"

He chuckled. "I just got off. I noticed you were sitting alone for the past hour but I was too afraid to approach you I guess."

I looked away.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I should go. I have T.V. shows to binge."

I was still not looking at him but noticed when he left my side. I turned back and he was no longer there. He was walking away. He was going to leave but I didn't want to him to go. So I got up and jogged after him.

"Hey!" He turned around. "Do you think those shows could wait?"

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