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~ Chapter 16 | Saturday, June 22nd ~

"YOUR HAIR LOOKS LIKE SHIT," Dawson said bluntly.

I ran my fingers through my hair and then turned to Dawson who was sitting on the toilet, being a pain in my ass. "You wanna come do it then?"

He got up from the toilet and stretched. "Nah, I think I'm good."

I watched him as he walked out of the bathroom leaving me to stress over my hair. After running my hands through it, a comb and a brush through it, I decided to leave it how it was---crazy, and just go out. I was dressed nice, smelled nice so my hair was just going to have to bring me back to being the average human level. Who was I kidding, I was a 9 out of 10 on my worst days.

My phone vibrated and I grabbed it away from my hair products before I answered it. "Hello?" I was walking towards my room.

"I'm outside. You better be ready?"

"I am! Just hold up one sec. I have to grab my wallet and my house keys and I'll be out."

"Alright, you better be. I'm timing you and if you're not out by-"

"Okay, bye!" I hung up.

She was going to beat my ass.

I quickly grabbed my wallet and keys from my dresser. I then turned to my bed and let out a exhale of relief because after that date, I was not going to wet my bed with the thoughts of Kabelo anymore.

I happily made my way downstairs where my parents were snuggled up on the couch, watching a movie together while Mai was sitting in front of the T.V. eating a bowl of popcorn.

"Another date?" My father asked.

I smiled. "Yup. Still trying to find that perfect girl."

"That's my boy. Your mother and I are so glad that you're such a ladies man."

"We are and I'm very excited for all the grandkids to come! I'm sure you'll make some gorgeous babies."


Mai choked on her popcorn and my father just chuckled loudly. "Oh boy! I think we can both agree that we want Alvin to graduate college and establish a stable salary before he starts making children."

"I know! I know! I'm just happy that we actually have a son that wants to be a man and not some girl."

My father laughed along with my mother and Mai just uncomfortably ate her popcorn. Then, suddenly, the room got quiet. I didn't have to turn around to know that Dawson was in the room. All eyes were on him but mine. I couldn't bear to see the pain on his face. Soon after, I heard his slow, sad footsteps going up the stairs and then the soft closing of his door.

I watched as Mai got up and went upstairs after him. Once I heard the door close again, I waited for my parents to look at me. "He's just as much as a man as I am."

"Sure. Now go out and enjoy your date. I wouldn't want you to be late," my mother said.

I stood there and stared at them for a moment. I was going to say something, something that was probably going to make them angry but I was stopped by the beeping of Ashley's horn.


"What took you so long?" Ashley asked as soon as I opened the door.

I waited until I was fully inside to respond. "Family things. My parents were just being annoying as always."

"They were asking about grandbabies, weren't they?"

I sighed. "Something like that." I pulled my seat belt across my body and strapped myself in.

"Well, I can almost guarantee that they will be receiving some very soon after this date." She pulled off. "I'll also be receiving 200 dollars by the end of this summer. Should've made a bet with 1,000 dollars."

"You seem really confident about this one."

"You also seemed confident about the guy you picked out for me." She looked over at me with a chuckle. "Mr.-" Uh-oh, she was getting ready to mock me. "Just know that this person might become apart of our family and I have a feeling that this person will be around for a while."

"Your impression was terrible."

She snorted and then smirked. "You're just mad that I'm actually going to win this." She paused for a moment and I just hoped and prayed that she wasn't going to ask what I knew she was going to ask. "So what happened to my man? When are we going on our date?" I didn't answer quick enough. A few minutes probably passed. "Did something happen?"

I gulped. "N-Not really. Just know that he ended up not really being the one for you." I looked over at her with an exaggerated frown that she didn't even look at it. "I'm sorry. I'll find you another blind date soon."

"It's fine. This just confirms that I'm winning this damn bet tonight."

I gave a closed mouth 'hmph' and gazed out of my window with a smirk. "We'll see."

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