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~ Chapter 15 | Friday, June 21st~

"I WANT YOU TO KISS ME, ALVIN," whispered Kabelo as he took a stepped closer to me, gently tugging on my shirt.

His face was so close to mine and just like last time, I could smell the mint on his breath and the cologne on his body. His mouth moved closer to mine and his lips were slightly parted opened as his pink tongue slipped out and teased my lips. Then, without warning, he-

I immediately jumped up from my sleep, panting heavily. I looked down at myself and realized how hard I was. I then stuck my hands inside my boxers and felt the warm and sticky substance I produced. I was disappointed in myself. I sighed and slammed my head back on my bed.

That's when I got a notification.

I grabbed my phone and saw that it was another text from Ashley about the girl she was pairing me up with.

"I'm so excited for you two to finally meet tomorrow night! Your date is going to be absolutely perfect, I can feel it in my soul! You better be ready at 7:30 too because I'm picking you up!" She texted.

"Sounds good," I replied.

I checked the time on my phone and then groaned as I rolled out of bed. I gathered everything I needed before I got up and took my shower for the day. The soap that I used all over my body made me think about how Kabelo smelled in my dreams; it was making me hard. As I sniffed my towel and gently rubbed the soap all over my body, I felt myself thinking back on that night in the closet and the dreams I've had afterward. My hands were wrapped around myself and I stroked until soft moans escaped my lips. Then, without warning, I was soft again.

"Not my proudest fap," I muttered.

Once I finished the rest of my shower, I wrapped my towel around my waist and then went over to the mirror to brush my teeth. When I finished, I walked into my room and got dressed for work.

I checked my phone and it showed that I still had a few minutes to throw my stained items in the washer so I ripped the blanket and sheet from my bed and took it down to the basement to wash. On my way back to my room, I caught Dawson peeking out of his door.


He snickered. "Nothing. You just been taking your blanket to the washer a lot lately."

"No, I haven't."

"Six days straight is a lot to me."

"Mind your business. I don't have time to entertain you, I have work."

"Try not to explode while you're helping out a customer!"

"Dawson!" I rushed to his door and he immediately slammed it as he laughed on the other side. I just banged my head on his door and sighed.


I was on my way to work running on no energy. I needed coffee. I've been needing coffee since after that night with Kabelo but I was too afraid to go to the cafe because what if I saw him? I couldn't face him again not after everything that happened. Not after the dreams. It would be just too weird.

I sighed as I stared at the coffee shop I drove past.

"Don't miss me too much Saya."

I needed to get my head back on straight. I had to focus. I had to get out of my car and go into work.

I slammed my door shut, locked my doors and dragged my feet to the inside. I was greeted by one of my co-workers who was putting away snacks in the queue line. I waved and headed back to the break room.

Now that people knew that I was there, I tried my best to get to the back as quickly as possible so I could at least make myself look a bit more presentable before I started.

"What's u-, woah you look like shit!" James exclaimed as he walked along side of me.

Of course James would be the one to catch me. The last person I wanted to see me. "Thanks." I punched in the code to get into the break room.

"What's the matter with you lately? You've been like this for almost a week now?"

I threw my lunch in the fridge and then turned to him. "I'm fine." I tried to push past him and make way out of the break room but he just stood in my way.

"No, you're not. What's wrong?"

I hated that he was my best friend. I hated that he knew there was something wrong. I sighed and took a seat on the nearest chair. "I'm stressing about finding Ashley a date. She's been texting me all this week about the girl she has for me and I haven't even been really responding to her because the guy I had for her-" I didn't want to tell him but it was too late.

"What is it?"

"He tried to kiss me."

James eyes widened and a smile wiped across his face. "Woah! So what? You've been thinking about it for the last six days and now you think that you might be gay or something?"

Again, I hated that he was my best friend. I stood up and slammed my hand on the table. "That's not it at all! You know I could never be gay! You know how many girls, I've been with?"

"So bi?"

"Shut the hell up talking to me. I'm done with this conversation since you don't want to take anything seriously."

That time he let me walk past him. "I was just joking but I seriously need to talk to you about some-"

I left the break room and went to the stock room to begin my work. Luckily, James wasn't working apparel with me because I did not want to talk to him anymore after that. 

After my date Saturday, I was going to show myself that Kabelo was nothing but a phase.

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