T W E N T Y - T W O

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~ Chapter 22 | Monday, July 1~

"ARE YOU ON THE PHONE with Kabelo again?" Dawson asked as he stepped into my room.

Kabelo chuckled and I just sighed. "I'll just talk to you when I see you, alright?"


I ended the video call. "What do you want?"

Soon Mai came into my room behind Dawson as he said, "Oh nothing."

I narrowed my eyes at him and then I looked at Mai who was giggling behind him. "Mai, spill it."

"Dawson thinks that you and Kabelo are secret boyfriends."

"Mai!" He turned around and slapped her arm. "You weren't supposed to tell him that! We were supposed to interrogate him remember?"

I just watched as they whispered back and forth while also hitting each other. I was trying to listen in but I couldn't make out much. "Why are you two concerned about my love life?"

They both stopped arguing and then turned to me. Mai shrugged and Dawson just crossed his arms. "Why are you saying it like it's a problem?"

"It's not."

"So you and Kabelo are secretly dating!" Mai exclaimed.

I grabbed a pillow and launched it at her. I clocked her right in the head. Dawson and I laughed. Once Mai finished her whining she threw it back at me; I caught it.

"We are not dating. I'm not gay."

"Bi?" Dawson asked.

"No. I'm not even a little bit gay."

"Well, you've been talking to him on the phone, like a lot and every time you go out, he's out there waiting to pick you up. Where do you two even go?"

"None of your business."

Dawson smirked and then nudged Mai. "Told you they were out doing anal."

I grabbed my pillow and Dawson immediately threw his hands up and screamed like a little boy. I laughed and so did Mai. Dawson flipped me off and then I launched the pillow at him. He dodged it but sad for Mai because she got clocked again.

"I didn't even do anything!" She picked up my pillow and then snickered. "But I was going to say that I think you're totally in love with him."

She threw my pillow back at me and I caught it. "I am not. He's like a best friend to me."

"James is your best friend and you never spent that much time with him. Kabelo is something different," Mai said.

Dawson just nodded. "I really ship you two together and I hope that you open your eyes and realize that Kabelo is indeed in love with you. Even if you're not in love with him, I know for a fact that he is in love with you. I guess we're just trying to get you to feel the same feelings back because I, personally, know how it feels to fall for a straight guy who you thinks want something to do with you but doesn't."

"Trust me, Kabelo is aware that we are just friends. He and Ashley already went on a date and are going on another one with me and my date soon so I'm pretty sure he doesn't even like me that way. Let alone, in love with me."

"Whatever. I'm gay so I know."

"That doesn't mean shit."

"It does."

"It kinda does," Mai chimed in.

"Get the hell out of my room. I have to finish packing."

"Ooh, you're going out of town with Kabelo, right? I remember hearing you two talk about it over the phone one day."

I narrowed my eyes at Mai and then slid out of my bed. "Okay, I really need to finish college and move out because you two don't allow me to have any privacy." I shooed them out of my room and they scurried out. I closed and locked my door behind me before I let out a sigh.

I then smiled.

I was nervous but excited because I was spending four days away from home with Kabelo. I was going to explore the place he grew up in and meet his parents.

My phone vibrated and I quickly went over to it to check it. It was Kabelo telling me that he was on his way. I told him that I was almost ready and that I was excited for our bro-cation. He just sent a few laughing emojis before he said me too...with a heart.

Oh did that make me smile.

I quickly finished packing the rest of my things and then sat at the end of my bed. I kept checking my phone for a call or a text that told me he was outside. My legs were shaking at an abnormal speed and so was my heart. I got up and paced around my room for a bit and then I checked my window to see if his car was outside; it wasn't.

I tried to do push-ups to take my mind off the anticipation but that didn't work.

I started thinking about looking a sweaty mess when I saw him and I didn't want to come into his car looking like a mess. I mean, he saw me sweaty a bunch of times when we played ball but that time was different.

I did a quick smell check and I was all good. I didn't want to smell bad because he always smelled good.

I sat back on my bed and then lied back on my bed. I stared up at my ceiling fan and it blew me right into my deeps thought.

Is Kabelo really in love with me? I thought.

I mean if he was, I wouldn't be mad about it but how would I go about it? I most certainly was not going to lead him on or anything. I would've just told him that I wasn't interested.

"I'm so not in love with Kabelo. If he was a girl though, he would be perfect." I turned to my side and looked at my door and pictured my siblings standing there telling me that I was in denial and that I was, indeed, in love with Kabelo.

But I could assure my imaginary siblings that I was, indeed, not in love with him.

"Maybe I'm a tiny bit gay for him though."

Okay, Maybe I'm A Bit Gay Where stories live. Discover now