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~ Chapter 19 | Sunday, June 23rd ~


I stretched and I felt the warm sun coming through my window and onto my skin. The blankets covered nothing but my waist and my right foot was hanging out of my blanket. I rolled to my side and checked the time on my phone. It was 10 a.m.

I slept good, was off for the day and I was no longer having those weird dreams; your boy was too happy. I was also happy because I felt comfortable going back to my favorite coffee place. I got out of my car and headed to the door with a hop in my step. When I opened the door, a mom and her three kids were coming out so I stepped to the side and held the door open for them.

"What do you guys say?"

Two of her kids ran off laughing with their cookies in hand and her oldest child, he looked about 12, told me thank you and so did his mother. I smiled and said, "No problem," before I went inside.

As always, the place was busy. People sat on the couch and chatted about absolutely everything they could possible chat about. Photographers were taking aesthetically pleasing photos for the gram and writers were in their typical seats against the wall, working on their work. I was in a mood for my usual order with a side of Saya but when I got up to the register, I was greeted with a guy's face.

Specifically, the guy that handed me my drink the day I met Kabelo.

"Hey, there Yeger?"

I chuckled. "No, today the name is Ross."

He shook his head with a smile. "Alright, what can I get for you today Yeger Ross?"

I told him my order and then he told me the price. As I paid, I kept looking behind the counter in hope of seeing Saya but nothing. My receipt printed out and the guy, Reginald, gave it to me.

"Aye, Reggie." I moved my eyes away from his name tag and looked up at his face. "Where's Saya? She usually works during this time."

"She's not feeling well. She should be back in soon though."

"Oh, okay. Good. I hope she gets better soon because getting my coffee isn't the same without her."

He just smiled and I moved to the side and waited for my order. Per usual, I got it quite quickly and soon I was on my way out the door and over to Ashley's to tell her about last night. Why didn't I just call her, you may ask. Well, I had nothing to do that day and telling her in person was more fun.


"What the hell do you want, hoe?"

I chuckled and then the door swung open. "Hey, you want to go out for some breakfast or something?"

She checked her phone. "You mean brunch?"

"You know what I meant."

"Yeah, I'm down. I just need to change out of these pajamas. You can come in and sit if you like."

"Yeah, no. Last time I did that, your parents talked my ears off."

She laughed. "Alright, I'll make it quick."

"You better."


"Are you serious?" Ashley asked before she took a bite of her blueberry pancakes.

"Yeah, she didn't show up. I waited there for like an hour. It sucked."

"I'm sorry about that. I was almost sure that she was going to show up."

"It's fine though." I stuck my fork into my sausage and took a big bite with a smile.

Ashley raised her brow at me as she drank her orange juice. "Why are you so happy? You get laid or something?"

"I wish." I washed down the sausage bits. "But this is better, way better."
I took a bite of eggs.

"Okay, so what?"

"Kabelo is what."

"Wait you two are talking again?"

I smiled and nodded. "Oh yeah. It turns out that he works at The Grill part time. So he noticed that I was alone and decided to come over and that's when I offered him to sit. It started off shaky but once I apologized we talked like we've been friends for years."

"Wait apologized for what?"

Shit, I forgot that I didn't tell her about what happened at the party.
I pretended not to hear her as I started to fill my mouth with food. She reached over the table and grabbed my wrist.

"What did you do, Alvin?" Her grip was tight and strong. She was skinny but man, did she have the strength of a Goddess.

She freed me from her grip. "I-I didn't necessarily do anything but he tried to do something and I blew up on him about it."


She wanted more. I didn't want to give it to her; I was embarrassed. "He, uh-" I thought about a way to say he tried to kiss me without necessarily saying it but I couldn't so I sighed. "He tried to kiss me."

She blinked quick twice and then her mouth dropped open. "Oh-my-god!"

"I know right."

She was laughing and I was to but not for the same reason as her; I was uncomfortable.

"Wait so is he gay?"

"Pansexual and no, it does not mean he's sexual attracted to pans."

"What the heck? I knew that. What idiot would think that pansexual meant that?"

I just drank my juice and shrugged. "Beats me."

"So did you like, hit him for trying to kiss you? How did it even happen?"

I explained the whole night to her as she ate.

"That's crazy. I'm glad you apologized then because you did over react just a bit."

"Yeah, I know. Then after that I just couldn't stop th-" I stopped myself. She didn't need to know about my dreams. "I couldn't stop thinking about a guy yelling at my brother like that if he got the wrong idea and tried to kiss a straight guy."

"I get that."

"Anyway, Kabelo is so excited to meet you. You know, since he's pansexual and everything, it doesn't matter the gender."

"That's good. So you really think he's a really good match for me?"

"Oh yes. He's perfect. I couldn't see why anyone wouldn't want to date someone like him. You have to trust me on this one."

She smiled. "You never talked about a guy like this so I'll take your word for it."

"After work, he's available to take you out on a date tomorrow."

Her smiled widened. "Tomorrow is perfect."

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