T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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~ Chapter 23 ~

"YOU KNOW THAT YOU'RE LIKE my best friend, right?" I asked.

Kabelo chuckled and looked over at me. "Best friend?" He then turned back to the road and tried to suppress a smile; he failed. "I didn't know we were more than just friends."

"We're not!" He then turned back to me---confused. "I mean we are but like just best friends."

He just shook his head and laughed. "Are you okay?" His eyes went back to the road.



Silence. I thought that that's what I wanted but nope. It just made things more awkward and weird which was why I was picking at my fingers like a weirdo.

"How about we listen to some music?" I suggested.

He just nodded and turned the radio on. I stared at his hands as he changed the channels until he found one worth our time. The song that was playing was good but the next song that played was even better.

I decided to cut the awkward tension away with my karate chop, robot-like movements to the techno beat.

Kabelo must've caught me in his peripheral or from a quick glance because he was laughing at me; I just kept dancing. Soon, he started to move his head side to side and then forward and back until he was in sync with the music.

When the car stopped at the red light he started dancing as well and then when the car started moving again we sang.

Once the song ended, something terrible started playing which made me turn the radio down a bit. The awkward silence was gone and I felt comfortable enough to speak again.

"Nervous?" We both asked at the same time.

We both laughed. "That was crazy," I said.

"I know right but you answer first. Let's pretend I asked first."

"Well, honestly I'm a bit nervous but I replace that feeling with excitement so I guess I'm more excited than nervous. I'm a tad bit nervous to see how your parents are towards you but I'm excited to see where you grew up."

"That's cute."

Me wanting to see where he grew up was cute? I didn't see how that was cute but him saying that made my face burn. "Now it's your turn."

He swallowed. "Well, I'm nervous. Very nervous. I don't know if they are luring me into some trap or if they really want to make good with me. I'm also nervous to see how they will react to you. I haven't seen them in a while and I'm bringing a plus one without them knowing."

"Well, just know that if anything bad happens that I'm here for you."

"I know. I thank you again for wanting to come with me." He looked over at with a smile. "I greatly appreciate it."


After, what felt like forever, the plane landed and Kabelo and I were on our way to his parents' house. We were sitting in the backseat of our Lyft and I could see Kabelo shaking every time the street lights ran across his body. I wanted to give him some encouraging words but being in the car with a complete stranger made me too uncomfortable to speak so I just scooted a bit closer to him and grabbed his hand.

He looked at me and I gave him a smile before I rested my head on his shoulder.

I fell asleep.

"Alvin, time to get up now." I lifted my head up and rubbed my eyes. "We're here now."

"We are?" I was still adjusting to being awake. Kabelo nodded as he got out of the car. The cool breeze blew in and instantly woke me up.

"You two have a nice night!" The Lyft driver said.

"You too," I said before I closed the door shut.

Kabelo pulled out our bags from the trunk and as soon as he slammed it shut; the driver drove off. Kabelo grabbed his bags and I grabbed mine before we made our way to his home.

It was dark out but I could see that his house or his parent's house was huge. Probably one of the biggest houses I had ever seen. It was like something out of a movie.

It was hard to see but there was a nice garden out front with a bunch of other decorations. I would've kept looking but every time I yawned my eyes teared up and I kept rubbing them. On the thirtieth rub, I was at the front door.

Kabelo rang the doorbell and we just stood there for a moment. I yawned, of course, and that's when a lady answered the door.

"K-Kabelo!" She pulled him into a tight hug. "It's so good to see! We'd missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, mom."

I stood there and smiled at the love between the two. They were so happy that they were crying. Once they pulled away, Kabelo wiped his eyes and turned to me. "This is Alvin, my-"

"Boyfriend?" His mother asked.

Kabelo choked up and I just chuckled. "No, no. I'm just a friend. A good friend."

"Yeah, he's that."

She squinted her eyes and looked between us both. "You don't have to lie. I have no problem if he is. I can tell that there's something."

"Nope, just friends," Kabelo said.

His mother sighed. "Well, come in. Make sure to take your shoes off and slip on a pair of slippers. Your father is out back barbecuing. The food will be done soon so if you want you can get unpacked and show Alvin around a bit."

Kabelo just smiled and nodded. I knew that it was inappropriate but his mother was hot. She had beautifully clear skin and she didn't look any older than 25. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and when she smiled, you could see no yellow. She was gorgeous.

Once Kabelo and I took our shoes off and swamped them for a pair of black slippers that had their last name embroidered into them, we started to head upstairs to his room.

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