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~ Chapter 18 ~


I didn't think he was going to agree to sit down with me but he did. At first, we just sat there awkwardly on our phones. Mine was dying so I didn't stay on it long. I had no choice but to people watch but the only person I wanted to look at was Kabelo, who was typing away at his phone.

A waitress came to our table and took our orders. Kabelo, obviously, knew her so they chatted a bit before she was actually able to walk away.

I ordered a nacho bowl with lemonade and he ordered a double cheese bacon burger with a drink of lemonade as well. We didn't start talking until our drinks were brought.

"I can't believe you copied me," I teased.

He was sipping his drink and his eyes looked up at me. He was smiling and a bit of slob was between his lips and the straw before he wiped it away. "No way. I always get lemonade. You copied me."

"But I placed my order first." He didn't say anything after that. He just chuckled a bit before he went back to looking at his phone. "You like working here?" I asked.

He put his phone away and then looked up at me. "What's the point of this? Do you feel bad that you broke my little gay heart or something? Or do you want to be like every other straight boy that has come into my life just to play with my emotions?"

"No, I-" I sighed. "I'm sorry. I should've probably started off with an apology about that night and after."

"Yeah, I texted you two days straight afterward and you just left me on read. I assumed you really didn't want to speak to me anymore."

"I-I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I don't want to talk about that situation anymore."

"I think that's best. If we want to be friends anyway, that night should probably just be erased from our memories." I smiled and extended my hand. "Let's start off fresh."

He smirked and grabbed my hand. He shook it. "Sure. Well if we are going to be friends I should probably tell you that I'm Pansexual."

I took a sip of my drink. "What's that? You have a weird pan fetish or something?"

He opened up his mouth completely speechless and then he started to laugh at me.

"What? Is that what it is?"

"Not at all! You really don't know what that means do you?"

I held my right hand up. "Right hand up to God. I never heard that before."

"Well, I like to define it as I'm attracted to all people no matter what gender they identify as."

"So, Bisexual?"

"No." He took a sip of his lemonade.

"Wait so you would date a girl?"

"Yeah and I'm open to giving your friend a try if you think she'll still be down."

"That's great news! You're going to love her!"

"I better."

We both chuckled and then started conversing about a lot of different things and I was satisfied to learn a lot about him. His favorite color was yellow, he hated spaghetti and lasagna, he loved to read gay fiction, he loved the word moist and hated the word panties and he had the most beautiful smile I have ever seen on a person.

I also found out that he hated messes because when the contents of his burger got all over his hand, he got pretty upset. Opposite of me, I was sitting there with sour cream and nacho cheese on the corner of my mouth with messy fingers.

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