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~Chapter 4 |Wednesday, June 12th~


I turned around to my buddy, James, who came into the break room with his bag of Wendy's and his cold lemonade in hand. I gave him a big smile and looked at his food. "Is that for me? Oh my god, you really shouldn't have."

"Actually, I did buy you something jackass." I watched as he sat down and waited for him to take out what he supposedly bought for me. He pulled out a few sandwiches, some nuggets, and french fries and then he looked up at me. "Are you going to sit down or just keep standing there looking stupid?"

I sat down across from him and scanned the table as he dug his hand back in his bag. "Bro, no barbecue sauce?"

"Bitch, if you would wait." He pulled out a packet of barbecue sauce and threw it at my nose. "I would never forget barbecue sauce!"

I chuckled and whined in pain before I threw it back at him. He dodged it and the packet went splat onto the floor. We both stared at it for a moment laughing our butts off and then we looked at each other.

"You're picking that shit up, you know that right?"

"Oh, so just because you're white you think you get to tell me what to do? I thought you were better than that."

He chuckled. "Oh, shut your shit." He then threw a ketchup packet at me and it hit me right on the forehead.

I grabbed a burger from the table and held it up ready to launch it at him but he immediately threw up his hands. "Aye! Aye! Don't throw the burgers man! That's off li-" he quickly threw another ketchup packet at me, "mits!" He quickly got up as I launched the wrapped burger at him that he skillfully caught.

"Yo, we probably only got like five minutes of our break left. We have to stop playing now."  He sat across from as I slowly unwrapped the burger he got me.

I watched him carefully because I didn't trust him. He would always say he was done playing when, in reality, he just wanted me to take my guard down. I slowly took a bite of my burger and right when I grabbed a fry, I saw him pick up a ketchup packet and I immediately launched my fry at him.

"Yo, what the heck?"

"I'm sorry." I watched a bit of ketchup dropped out of his packet and onto his burger. "I thought you were going to throw that me."

He sighed, shook his head and quickly rolled his eyes as he grabbed the fry I threw at him from the table just to eat it. He made a face of disgust. "I could taste your fingers on that fry."

"What they taste like?"


I chuckled as I grabbed his drink to take a sip. I watched as he grabbed the drink back to his side and drink off the straw I drank off of. It made me smile. That's just how much we trusted each other. He was my boy since kindergarten and there was no one I trusted more than him; Ashley was a very close second though.

"So why are you so happy today? You're never this overly joyous."

"Well, Ashley-" as soon as I said her name he looked up at me as if I said the most interesting thing in the world. "Bro, what?"

He cleared his throat. "Nothing. I'm just listening." I gave him a confused look and he started to chuckle awkwardly. "What? I can't look at you while you speak?"

"Bro, you're being gay." He opened up his mouth but no words came out. I chuckled. "I'm joking, Jesus Christ calm your man tits. Anyways, back to what I was saying. So you know how Ashley and I are doing the finding each other a date thing?" He nodded. "Well, the last date I went on with Cassandra was horrible. I texted you about it right?"

"Yeah, you did."

"Well, Ashley texted me the next day and told me that she already found me a date. Her name is Skyler and we're supposed to be going on a date today. From everything that Ashley has told me about her, she seems like she might be the one for me."

"That's good."

"Right? I never get this excited for a date. I just woke and had a great feeling about life. The birds were singing to me, the warm breeze washed over me and the sun was kissing my skin ever so delicately." I didn't realize that I got up.

James just stared at me and stopped mid-chew. "Yo, who's gay now?"

I chuckled as I sat back down. I just went back to eating my food but James kept giving me random looks. I knew there was something he wanted to ask me. He was itching and dying to tell me. He had that dumb ass look on his face.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"N-Nothing. I was just wondering if you found Ashley a date?"

"Nope, not yet but I'm on it. I just need to find a guy who likes the things she likes, like..."

"Like the geeky Harry Potter stuff and the walking on the beach at night type of guy?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I just remember things you've told me about her. I love Harry Potter probably way more than her and you know how much I love the beach."

"Right. Whatever, though. I'll find him eventually."

"Yeah. I'm sure you will."

"I'll probably find another good looking guy and set them up for tonight like I usually do." I took my stand. "Well, I have to get ready to go. I'm actually already off the clock."

"Wait what? I thought you didn't leave til 8?"

"Yeah, I asked if I could leave a little bit early. You'll be covering the rest of my shift at the register."

"Heck no, man! You know I hate register."

"Well, I told Marcia how much you loved it so you better smile and greet the customers. Meanwhile, I have a date to get ready for. See ya!" I blew him a kiss and gave him a wink before I walked out of the break room before he could yell at me for being a horrible friend.

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