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~ Chapter 6 ~

"SKYLER HAS A DICK!" I hollered into the phone. "Ashley, you really did try me, huh? I bet you think you're funny but this is not funny and when I-"

"I'm sorry but the person you called has a voicemail box that has not been set up yet."

"Wait what?"


The phone hung up and I just threw the stupid thing to the passenger side.

Fine, she don't want to answer my calls. I'm pulling up. Think it's a game if you want, bitch.

I was flying down the streets; fuck a ticket. The yellow lights thought they could slow me down? Ha, they really tried with that one. I kept getting cramps in my hands from how tight my hand was wrapped around the wheel. I had my window down to try and calm myself down but the wind only made me angrier as it ruined my hair. I don't even know why I cared. I guess I just wanted something else to get mad about.

She better be fucking home.

I slammed my door and didn't bother with locking my doors. I wanted someone to try and steal from me so I could beat their ass.

Her parents weren't home and even though I couldn't see Ashley's car, I assumed it was in the garage. She just had to be home. I walked up to her doorstep and checked under her doormat and then in a potted plant that was near, digging my nails into the soil that was only going to stain my hands.

I was digging like a damn dog and got dirt all over my pants. I pulled out their spare key and unlocked the door. When I stepped in, I stepped in quickly but when I listened, I listened closely.

I heard laughter coming from upstairs and items thumping on the floor. Sounds like she was having a good time with the date I picked out for her. I slammed the door and charged up the stairs, skipping like every three steps.

I stomped over to Ashley's door and kicked it in. I legit kicked it in. The door swung open and collided with the wall, probably putting a hole in it which caused Ashley and Mark, the man she was kissing, to jump. He fell out of the bed and she just sat up and covered up her breasts with her blankets, even though, they were still in the bra.

"What the hell?" Ashley hollered.

"Are you serious?"

"What are you talking about?"

"wHaT aRe yOu tAlKiNg AbOuT?" I mocked. "Don't play dumb! Skyler did not have the qualifying parts to be on a date with me!"

"He had a dick?" Mark asked his put his shirt on along with his shoes.


"Ah, man that's messed up, Ash."

Ashley gave him the side-eyed and rolled her eyes. "Get the fuck out of my room! This doesn't concern you and you're not close enough to call me nicknames!"

"I'm sorry," he said as he continued to put himself together.

"Get out!" Ashley and I hollered simultaneously.

We watched as he scurried out the room and closed the door behind him. She sighed when I turned back to her.

"You're overreacting, Al."

"Oh, so I'm overreacting? You made me think that I was going on the date that would change my life! I thought I was going to find the one! I even told James about it! Then when I got there and found out it was a man, you could just imagine how bad my heart felt. What made it worse was that people stared and the whole date was awkward!"

"You didn't leave?"

"I basically just answered your damn question. I couldn't leave because I didn't want to hurt him anymore than I already had when I told him I wasn't gay. Meanwhile, I gave you a good date!"

She gave me a fake, Haha, laugh. "You never gave me a good date! Everytime you find somebody for me, they have nothing in common with me! It's like they are all last minute!"

"They're usually good-looking, no?"

"So you think looks is all that matters to me?"

I really did think that's all that mattered to her and most girls at that. Isn't that why girls usually ended up with attractive jackasses rather than the not so attractive, husband material sweethearts?

"You really do think I'm some dense whore don't you? That's how you've always seen me, isn't it?"

"No and I thought we weren't going to talk about that anymore."

"I can never forget it, Alvin. Ninth grade year, was hard for me and it was because of you but I forgave you and I thought after we became best friends that you would learn to respect me more but I guess boys like you never change."

I couldn't even look at her. Just thinking about the guy I used to be made me sick to my stomach. I wiped my face and kept my lips tightly shut.

"That's why I made you go on a date with a guy because I know you're not attracted to guys!"

"How is that the same?"

"Because you give no thoughts into the guys you pick out for me. It feels like you're giving me bad dates on purpose so that's why I gave you one I knew you were going to hate."

"I'm sorry." I finally lifted up my head. "I'll try to be better and I promise you that I will actually get to know the guys I give to you because you are not some dense whore. You are worth way more than that."

She smiled and then she opened up her arms as she got from under the blankets. I smiled and gave her a hug. "I love you, Al."

"I love you too, Ash."

She immediately released me and gave me the death stare. I couldn't help but chuckle and that's when she punched me in the chest.

"Ow! Okay, I deserved that."

"You know if it makes you feel better you can hook me up with a girl."

"Nah, because you've done things with a girl before."

"But I like guys better."

"Yeah but it still won't be the same. You're a little gay and I'm just strictly not gay at all."

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