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~ Chapter 5 ~

As soon as I got home, I went straight upstairs to the bathroom, threw my clothes on the floor and took a hot shower. Afterward, I got out and tied my towel around my waist.

I went over to the mirror and tried to do a bit of my hair but then I remembered I still had to put some clothes on and doing my hair before putting my clothes on was always a struggle.

I opened up the bathroom door and looked both ways. I always had to make sure that Mai or Dawson wasn't around because those shitheads always tried to pull my towel down or launch spit balls at me.

I stepped my toe out of the door and the floor made a soft creak. I immediately jumped back inside and slammed the door shut.

"Stop slamming my damn doors!" My mother hollered.

I cleared my throat. Shit. "Sorry!"

At that point, it was obvious that I was in the bathroom so there was no more playing it safe. I opened the door, grabbed onto my towel as tightly as I could and ran across the the hall with a battle cry.

Mai popped out first firing spit balls and then Dawson burst out of his room, which was right next to mine, and he went straight for my legs. I jumped over him and stumbled to the floor. 

"Get him, Dawson!"

Dawson was 17 and Mai was 15 so they weren't easy to get away from.

Dawson grabbed my foot and I kicked him back before I stood up. I was hit with a barrage of soggy paper balls and they actually stung a bit.

"What's going on up here?" My mother footsteps were creaking up the stairs.

I looked over in her direction and that's when Dawson took off my towel. My mother saw my goods for a split second and I immediately placed my hands over my crotch. You would think that I would not leave the bathroom with no underwear since I knew how my brother and sister were but nope, I never learned.

My mother's eyes were covered and her face was flushed red. "Alvin, get your ass in your room and Dawson and Mai you two are grounded for being childish! This is not at all funny! It was cute when you guys were kids but now this is getting out of hand."

My mother took a peak and once she realized that I was still standing there ass naked and frozen from shock and embarrassment she quickly covered her eyes again. "Why are you still standing there?"

"I-I'm sorry," I went back into my room and slammed the door behind me. I was 20 years old and I was still scared of my mother.

I heard my siblings dying with laughter on the other side and I only imagined how angry my mother was as she said, "Alright, I don't care if you guys aren't kids anymore. I'm grabbing my belt."


I left the house of screams and cries and into my car of jams and bops. I was erasing what happened at home and clearing my mind for my date. But I did think that that would be a funny story to tell my date.

As I drove through the sunset, I was dancing and singing at the top of my lungs to the hits of the summer. My windows were down, I was driving at a speed that could've gotten me a ticket but the wind that came through was hella worth it and it got me to my date faster.

When I parked my car, I got out and did a quick smell check; I smelled great. If I was a girl, I would totally want to suck my dick after smelling myself. I also did a quick check in my rear review mirror. It was kind of dark out so like it was hard to actually to see my hair but that didn't stop me from trying to fix it.

Once I felt good enough, I went inside the building and was greeted by the mixture of smells. I smelled greasy burgers, the burning mouthwatering scent of hot wings and I even smelled cinnamon buns; those smells were making me hard. Not literally, but you know what I mean.

A waiter came and greeted me. "Hi, are you Alvin?" Before I could say something, he spoke again. "Please tell me you are because I asked four people already and one was a female."

"Long night?"

He exhaled and wiped his forehead. "Yeah."

I smiled. "But you're in luck because I am Alvin. I'm here for Skyler."

"Ah, yes. Then you are the date. Follow me then. Skyler is very excited to see you."

"I'm very excited to see her too."

He whipped his head back at me. "Oh, uh-" he then turned back around. "Yeah."

Weird, I thought. As I followed him, I looked at all the pretty girls that were around me and the thought of one them being Skyler made me smile. Was she chocolate skin? Did she have red hair? Was she a beautiful plus size girl? There were so many possibilities and the anticipation was killing me. I just wanted to see my potentially potential wife full of potential.

"She must really want us to be secluded huh?"

The waiter just gave me a small smile and nodded. "We are almost there." He led me to a booth but there was no one there. He turned to me and smiled. "You may take your seat."

"But there's no one here."

"Skyler went to the bathroom. Sh-" he hesitated. Why was he hesitating? Did she have a really bad period or something? "She'll be back soon."

I smiled. "Okay and hey could you start me with a glass of water?"

He nodded. "I'll shall be right back."

I watched him walk off and then I looked ahead of me. I sniffed the air for her scent to see if it was as intoxicating as I wanted it to be so that when she hugged me before we left, I would still smell her when I got home. I then looked for a sign of a jacket to see if she was stylish like me but there was no jacket.

I sighed as I leaned into my hand and just stared at all the happy couples that were around. I loved the century that I lived in. It wasn't perfect but just seeing biracial couples from really dark skinned people dating pale people to seeing other Asians like me, dating girls that weren't Asian. Back in the old days, this sight would be looked down upon but it's not as much anymore. It made me smirk a bit. I just hoped Skyler and I could make biracial babies, that would've been so cute. 

"Hey," some guy said.

I looked over and he gave me a smile. "Hello?" He sat across from me and I titled my head a bit. "Aye, bro you're going to have to get up because that's my date's spot."

"You're Alvin Lee, right? Ashley's friend?"

"Yeeeeaah. Who are you?"

"I'm Skyler."

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