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Michael's POV

It's been a busy last few days writing and recording with the boys and I haven't seen Alex much. I know she's probably miserable at work today so Ive been sending her funny snapchats throughout the day. My parents invited me to have dinner tonight and as bad as it sounds, I don't wanna suffer through it alone. Maybe I can get Alex to go with me. I send her a text just before the boys need my full attention again. After tracking guitar for a few songs, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Alexandra: Of course, I'll go with you, Michael Gordon :-)

She always calls me by my full name just to piss me off. And she knows I hate that smiley face with the nose.

Me: You are a lifesaver, Alexandra Louise! Come by 6! Love you x 

I pack a bag for my parents' house since I can already hear my mum hassling me to stay the night. I don't bother to shower and I don't get too dressed up; just a casual baseball tee and my signature black jeans will have to do. I'll bring my laptop and my guitar just in case I get really bored. I arrive by 5:30 and inform my parents that Alex will be joining us. I sit on the couch with my dad who is focused on a newspaper and the room is quiet. I try not to let it bother me that he hasn't even acknowledged my presence. I just won't bother like I always have. "I'm gonna go up to my room," I walk upstairs to my old bedroom and throw my bag on the bed.

Ten months away and he couldn't say one thing. He hasn't said he missed me or hugged me once since I've been home. Maybe he always wanted me to leave. I could care less about even being here because this bullshit dinner is all an act. Thank God Alex is coming to save me like she always does.

Just as I'm about to let my anger take over, there's a knock on the door. In walks Alex, wearing a flannel t shirt that she has tucked into her black skinnies. She really is the girl version of me. "Hey, you. I think dinner's all ready." She says to me and I sigh. She instantly reads my disinterest to go downstairs and reaches down for my hand. I finish looking through my old records and follow her downstairs.

My mom made spaghetti which she knows is my favorite and her and Alex have been talking up a storm. They seem to have gotten a lot closer while I was away and that makes me happy. I admire the way Alex uses her hands when she talks to my mum and I smile seeing the 'X' tattooed on her middle finger. Just like mine.

My dad cuts into the conversation and actually bothers to acknowledge me at the dinner table. But I know it's only because Alex is here. "Don't you think that thing in your eyebrow looks a little ridiculous, son?" He laughs trying to get my mum and Alex to laugh along and I set down my fork. "Actually, no. I like it alot, but thanks dad." Alex glares at me mouthing the word 'stop' and I try to let it go. "Okay, fine. I'm just saying, your hair already brings enough attention. Who are you trying to impress?" My dad instigates some more and I swallow hard. The awkward tension at the table is evident. "I like the way I look, Dad." I can see the worry on Alex's face and I start to nervously shake my leg. "I just thought with so many eyes on you now, you'd want to start looking like the other lads. Fit in a bit." Alex's eyes go wide and my mum cuts in. "David-" I stand up quickly and Alex's drink accidentally spills all over me. "Fuck off!" I yell, angrily throwing my napkin down and Alex follows me into the kitchen. "Michael, come back here." I hear my dad shout but my mum tells him to leave me be.

"Let me help." Alex says grabbing a towel to wipe my shirt. I feel so frustrated and stressed out. "No, no. It's fine, I'm just gonna go shower. Can we watch Netflix or something?" She smiles at me and nods. "We can do whatever you want." Alex excuses both of us from dinner and she fills me in that my mum was giving my dad an ear full. "Are you okay?" She says with a sincere look in her eyes. "No, but I'll be fine." I grab my clothes and hand my laptop to Alex. "I'll get everything ready, is your password still the same?" She asks and I shake my head, heading to shower my frustrations away.

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