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Michael's POV

"What the hell?" I struggle to open my eyes when I hear a loud banging. I turn over to see a naked Alex next to me and I'm failing to remember where I am. I pull back this comfortable duvet and a cold breeze hits my skin. "Alright, hold on." I yell at whoever's at the door. I notice my boxers on the floor so I pull them over my waist. The room is incredibly dark and I have no fucking idea what time it is. I quickly remember the hotel, but not much else from last night. I slowly open the door and Ashton, Calum, and Luke are standing in the extremely bright hallway. "What do you fucks want?" Ashton pushes open the door and the boys walk into the room. "We have a songwriting sesh today," Ashton giggles loudly and my head is pounding. "You couldn't just call me?" I respond and the boys push open the door. I'm still trying to wake up when Calum flips on the dimmer light and the boys stare at me. "No, Luke was afraid you wouldn't hear it after the night you had." I rub the back of my neck and I hear Calum chuckle. "Hmm, apparently it was a really good night." Ash teases, pointing to the bed and Alex is laying on her chest facing the window fast asleep. Her bare back is revealed and the comforter stops just above her ass. Thank God. The boys start to act obnoxious and tease me. "Holy shit, you're such a prick. Why didn't you tell us mate?" Calum whispers. I roll my eyes and I can feel myself blushing. "Okay, leave now. I'll meet you guys in a  hour." I groan preparing a towel to shower with and setting it on the sink. "Alright, mate. We'll go get breakfast. Don't be late, Mikey." Luke says and I let the boys out. I look at the clock on the nightstand and it reads 8:27. I'm completely hungover, my head is pounding, I can't remember what even happened last night, and laying in bed with my naked girlfriend sounds alot more appealing to me than writing songs so early. I tidy up our clothes from the floor and place Alex's heels by her bag. I rummage through my duffle bag for clothes to wear and it hits me last minute that I didn't bring any condoms. I look over at Alex and I start to panic. Shit. How could I do that? I'm such an embarrassing drunk person so I'm praying that I didn't fuck things up too bad last night. I climb into bed and bring Alex's body closer to mine. I wrap my arm around her waist and start to fondle with her tits while she sleeps. I kiss at her shoulder blade and I feel her nipples get hard in my hand. I flick her nipple piercing with my fingertips and she slightly moans in her sleep. I groan because I don't want to fucking leave her. But now that I've given myself a boner, I get up and head to shower. The hot water stings the scratches on my back and all of my muscles are so sore. After my gym day with Ash, all the alcohol in my system, and sex with Alex last night, my body feels so weak.  I suddenly recall the fight I got into with my dad yesterday and remember why I went overboard last night. I remember having a wicked time at my party but coming back to the hotel room is a blur. The room is a bit cold when I exit the bathroom so I cover Alex's body and start getting dressed. I put on a flannel t shirt, my skinny jeans, a snapback so I don't have to deal with my hair, and my black Chucks. I grab my phone, a jacket, and head out to meet with the boys.

I've been drinking nothing but water all morning and this headache is making me miserable. Me and the boys are writing with our friend Derek who is an incredible lyricist and I'm trying not to appear distracted. It's starting to hit me that soon enough it's back to work and I'm really looking forward to it. We take a break and I lay on the couch trying to take advantage of the time I can rest. "You guys aren't gonna believe this," Luke comes into the studio room. I ignore him trying to rest my eyes. I've never felt this awful, I surely drank way too much last night. "I've just been on Twitter and there's pictures of Alex and Calum. And there's dating rumors," Luke says and I jump from the couch. "Shut the fuck up, Luke," I reply and there's a weird tension in the room. "Mate, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard," Calum says and Luke hands me his phone. There's pictures of Alex and Calum hugging by a sandwich shop in Sydney. "'5 Seconds of Summer hottie spotted with mystery girl.' When the fuck was this?" I read off the headline and confront Calum. "Mike, chill. I took her to lunch to apologize for that whole journal bullshit. That was seriously it." In one of the pictures, Calum was spotted kissing Alex's forehead and now I'm letting my anger get the best of me. "Why the fuck didn't I know about this?" I shout and Luke steps between us. "We're friends, mate. I didn't realize I had to tell you." I back off but I can't help feeling irritated that people are assuming Alex is dating Calum. "Don't fucking kiss her like that. That pisses me off, Calum." Luke is trying to calm me down but its not working. "You aren't fucking serious, bro. You know I would never do that to you. It's kinda funny because that day we talked about you the whole fucking time." Calum is starting to piss me off and I'm ready to walk out. "What did you fucking tell her?" I spit and I hear Ash tell me to chill out. "Since you need to know so bad, I told her about all the nights you got fucked up over her. . ." Calum's words take a blow to my chest. I can tell he's feeding off my anger and immediately regrets admitting that. "Fuck this, I'm leaving," I grab my phone and leave the studio. I slam the door and try my best to calm down. I have all this built anger and I want to punch the wall repeatedly. I sit by myself in the hallway and take a breath. My headache has turned into a migraine and I instantly feel awful for being such a dick to Calum. I'm such a prick. I need to gain control of my emotions and fix things before I fuck up every good thing in my life.

Before I can stand up to go back inside, Luke joins me in the hallway and sits by me on the floor. "You alright, mate?" He asks and I rest my head on the wall. "Calum's a prick," I say outta anger and Luke chuckles. "He's not. He's your best friend," Luke says. "No, he's not. You are. You said it yourself you wouldnt go after Alex," Luke laughs again. "To be fair, none of us knew you guys have been seeing each other. And even you know, Calum wouldn't do that to you." Deep down, of course I know that. I don't know why I get so defensive when it comes to Alex. I really am such a prick. Sometimes I think I don't deserve anybody. "Luke, I can't stand myself. I treat everyone I love like crap and I hate myself for it. I'm sorry for not telling you guys about me and Alex, man. It feels almost too good to be true," I say and it feels kinda good to be talking to Luke about this. "I'm happy for you, Mike. You guys deserve each other. I couldn't see you with anyone else." Luke adds and I'm starting to cheer up a bit, but I'm not going to admit that. "When we saw you guys kiss last night, Calum was so happy. He loves you guys, trust me. We've all had your back this whole time." Luke says and I just feel really awful. "Thanks, man. She's fucking amazing, it's insane. I've just been on edge lately. Between the band, my dad, trying to spend as much time with Alex. I'm just so stressed out," I have great friends and still I decide to hold all of this in. Calum has been my best friend for so long and I've put him through so much shit. "We understand, man. You know that Alex and Calum are just looking out for you and so are Ash and I. You always have us, mate." Luke is such a good friend. "Thanks, man. I really appreciate that."

I feel a lot better after chatting with Luke and we head back into the studio. I instantly feel like a burden on everyone's day but I need to be apart of everything we do as a band. Ash comes into the room after hanging up the phone with someone and Calum isn't even acknowledging me. "Okay lads, I just got off the phone with management. . ." Ashton begins to say then takes a second and looks at me. "And we're looking at a year and a half for this next tour." The whole room goes silent and all of the lads glare at me. I grab my jacket and without saying a word, I walk out.

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