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Alex's POV

I feel so relieved after my therapy appointment. It's always reassuring to have someone to talk to and who genuinely wants to help me. Usually that person would be Michael but recently that just can't be an option. The weather is beautiful today and I'm ready to go home and shower. As I walk to my car with the wind in my hair, my phone vibrates in my pocket.

Lucas: Hey babe! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight? The other lads are leaving me :(

Luke's text makes me smile and I'm already looking forward to saying yes. I'm a bit relieved knowing Michael won't be there. Part of me wonders if Luke knows what happened between Michael and I or if he'll bring it up to me. All of a sudden, there's a knot in my stomach. I can't get the image of a naked Michael looking down at me with so much lust in his eyes out of my head. The way his deep red lips fell the minute I wrapped my mouth around him or the way his Adam's apple stuck out when he'd throw his head back as I pleasured him. Fuck. My skin tingles at the thought and I have to clench my thighs.

Although I do wonder where he's going tonight, I don't bother asking. I feel like such a coward but I just can't face him right now knowing I ruined everything. I'm sat in my car trying not to recall the feelings I just spent an hour venting about.

Me: Of course, Lukeyyy! As long as you let me kick your ass in FIFA!

Lucas: Lol that would NEVER happen, but yay can't wait :-)

Me: I'm gonna shower then I'll be over! x

I go home to an empty house and throw my keys on my side table. I take in the silence and use the time to gather my thoughts. I get to thinking about Michael in his snapback, the first time I thought of him sexually. And my mind races to last night. I lay back on my bed and remove my shirt, slowly caressing my boobs. I haven't stopped thinking about Michael naked all day and I just need to relieve the frustration. I remove my jeans and start running my hands over my thighs. I throw my shirt to the side of my bed, unclasp my bra, and close my eyes. I move my fingers in circular motions by my clit on top of my panties and bite my lip as my legs begin to tense up. I can picture Michael moaning perfectly and I reach into my panties to feel the wetness. Fuck. I have one hand messing with my nipple piercing while the other works on my clit. I start to wonder what his tongue feels like and how good he must be with his hands. Shit. I moan Michael's name and as ridiculous as it sounds I can't stop. I'm desperate for this to be his fingers instead of my own as I begin to feel the pit in my stomach. Just as I'm about to hit my high, my phone goes off grabbing my full attention.

It's Luke. Fuck, Luke. I almost forgot. I pick up trying to sound casual. "Hey Alex! I was wondering if you've left yet. I'm so bored." I have to catch my breath. As awful as the timing is, Luke is too adorable and I don't wanna keep him waiting any longer. "Yeah, I-I'm just about to get in the shower. I'll be quick. Promise." We hang up and I lay back on my bed half naked, letting out a huge sigh. Luke's phone call really killed the mood.

I walk into the boys' house and everything is a mess. Their clothes are everywhere and I'm fighting the urge to clean up. Luke heads over to the couch with a beer in his hand and tries to hand me one, but I shake my head. He sits on the couch and picks up the XBox controller. I cross my legs on his lap and take the other controller. Anytime I bother playing FIFA with any of the boys, I lose and I know that Luke is minutes away from boasting about how he beat me not once but three times.

"Its nice to know you havent gotten any better at FIFA." He teases chuckling a bit. I can't help the smile that peeks past my lips as I roll my eyes. "So, what'd you do today?" He asks running his fingers through his impressive quiff, adding more height to it. 'Oh just went to a therapy appointment because I'm fucking insane then went home and touched myself because I'm fucking horny,' I say in my head. I chuckle at my thoughts and just keep my answer simple with 'Nothing.' He lets me know that Michael and Calum decided to go out for drinks while Ash is with family. I feel like Luke and I are so much alike and I'm really enjoying hanging out with him. He's such a beautiful lad with his amazing blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. It's impossible not to love him. "Do you wanna watch Anchorman?" He asks resting his hand on my knee. "Uhm, Yes!" I say and he laughs, excitedly jumping from the couch to put the movie in. Luke turns the lights off as the light from the TV screen fills the room. "Do you want a blanket?" He sincerely asks, noticing my arms between my legs. "Come here," he says softly. He pulls me into his side and puts the blanket over us, resting his feet up on the coffee table. I'm cuddled into his chest and we spend the whole movie quoting every line and laughing nonstop.

Michael's POV

Cal and I decided to head downtown for some drinks with a few other lads that Calum grew up with. We weren't spotted by too many fans so it was good to have a nice hang with my best mate. I didn't bother keeping track of just how much I was drinking so I may have gone a bit overboard. I feel completely weightless and really happy all of a sudden. I'm not usually one to drink my sorrows away but tonight it was a necessity. Not once did I think about. . . Fuck. We head home and I just know Calum is so annoyed of me. I won't stop rambling on about nothing but at least I'm not as miserable as before. We head into the house and all the lights are off. The light from the TV in the living room is glaring and nearly blinds me. I walk into the room to see Luke asleep on the couch. . .with Alex cuddled in his arms.

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