Hero Inside

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Beshte and Mtoto were walking home from their Lion Guard training. Mtoto felt a little discouraged after he fell down into a slope hill. He was trying to sneak up on Kion on their hide and seek training. Mtoto sighed as he apologized to Beshte with a disappointed tone.

"Sorry you had to rescue me. I should've stick with you back there."

"Well, I should've kept an eye on you. But you're okay. And that's what counts." Beshte said as he gives him a little pep.

"I really messed up in there." Mtoto groaned in disappointment. "Didn't I?"

"It is your first time training with the Guard, Mtoto. You'll get better if you keep practicing." Beshte stated.

"You think so?" Mtoto said, his face tilted confusedly.

"Sure!" Beshte said, agressively.

They sat down at a near hillside, looking beyond the Pridelands. Mtoto thinks silently as he thoughts about his doubts and the same time, that question about beliving in himself. Beshte looked at Mtoto with a do-you-feel-okay face and he tells him his tale about himself.

"You know, Mtoto. I was on the same situation when I was your age. I was a little hippo like you. Questioning about what does it take to be a hero like all the others in the Pridelands. Ever since I've started helped around the Hippo Lanes, I've helped around from all of the Pridelanders. Pulling off the grass to make a lane, helping animals getting out from the grass, even helping out getting away from pretators from using the lane. Until one day, that morning, I chatted with my dad and I told him that question about what does it take to be a hero. Even when I was young, I was expecting for anyone to see me in the spotlight even though I was shy back then. My dad told me that to always follow your dreams and you can discover the hero in you, if you can have some determination, faith and a pinch of trust. And you might never know when you gonna be that hero someday. And here I was. Among the Pridelands' best and the brightest. And if you can think today was a disaster, don't give up on your own will. You'll grow stronger, wiser and faster."

"Are you sure about that?" Mtoto asked in a matter-in-factly tone.

Beshte made eye contact with Mtoto and he responded.

"I am very sure about that. I know that you can prove to anyone that you're not a little guy, and you can dream big if you could believe in anything that you can do. Trust me."

Mtoto felt unsure about Beshte's advice. Although, he was touched by the way that Beshte spoke to him. He stood up and walked away from him, silent-minded.

Beshte stood up and he approached to him. Mtoto avoided to make eye contact with Beshte. Beshte approached to him and he sang, hoping to cheer Mtoto out and to make him feel okay.

I know that you're upset
You think today was a disaster
But don't give up just yet
You'll grow stronger and faster

Beshte walks ahead of Mtoto and he approached him. His eyes filled with sympathy and he raised his hippo foot to comfort Mtoto.

He smiled weakly as Beshte gleefully smiled. Beshte continued singing as he and Mtoto strolled together through the grassy fields.

Take it from me, you'll learn you'll grow
Hold on to your dreams, never let go

Just look within you, the hero inside
No need to worry
Put your head up with pride
Believe in yourself, there's no need to hide
Just look within you, the hero inside

Beshte encouraged Mtoto to help a baby bird out of the mud. Mtoto used his trunk to help the baby bird out then brought back to it's nest where it's mother and the other babies who'd tweeted joyfully.

Then Beshte encouraged him to help the baboon cross a stream. The baboon jumped over Mtoto's back and he walked across.

After he helped the baboon, Mtoto suddenly realized what Beshte said. He was actually a hero afterall. He emrbaced Beshte as he smiled.

"You're right, Beshte." Mtoto said in unison. "I totally had believed it in me now."

Beshte smiled in joy and he continued singing as he and Mtoto were dancing around the Pridelands.

There's no reason it can't come true
Cause you've got it inside of you
Whatever you dream of, that's what you can be
All it takes from you is to believe

Just look within you, the hero inside
No need to worry
Put your head up with pride
Believe in yourself, there's no need to hide
Just look within you, the hero inside

You're a hero inside

Beshte and Mtoto hopped on into a high hill. They smiled at each other as they looked around the land.

"So you really think I have what it takes to be a hero?" Mtoto asked as he walks down the hill. "Like, I did help everybody."

"Sure! Just don't give up. But who knows? Maybe you'll join the real Lion Guard someday. When you're older." Beshte encouraged Mtoto positively.

"Yeah. I guess so. Thank you, Beshte." Mtoto said, softly.

Beshte moved closer to him as he nudged Mtoto with a smile. Mtoto couldn't help but giving Beshte a smirk on his face.

"Beshte! Mtoto!" one of his friends called as they ran to them.

"Hey, guys!" Mtoto greeted as he approached his friends with a smile. Beshte approached to him and he called him. Mtoto responded back.

"I'd better head back. Take care, Mtoto." Beshte said as he walks away from Mtoto's friends.

"Bye, Beshte!" Mtoto waved his trunk as Beshte walks back to his friends.

Mtoto was truly inspired by Beshte. Therefore, he was truly right. He could be a hero someday.

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A 900 word oneshot. That's a thing that I didn't unexpectedly know.

But I did loved this especially there's a little bit of Beshte's backstory. 💖

But I would rewrite this in the near future. Ineedtimetomotivatemyself

Hope you'll enjoy reading this anyways.

Request me some ideal plots. I would need that by the time.

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