A Circle of Friends [#TheirForthcomingBeginnings]

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I went back to the lair and when I got in, I smiled back at them and they ran into me, including Fuli.

Fuli: Kion!

She cuddled me with her big smile on her face.

Bunga: I think Kion is a little inspired.
Beshte: Yeah, I bet. He was also greatful, too.

Fuli broke up the cuddle then we sat down in a circle.

Kion: So how's everyone?
Bunga: Fine to me.

The others nodded as they exchanged looks.

Fuli: But hey, everything's fine. All that matters was, everything is now peaceful. At least for a while.
Ono: Alright, how's the talk that you had with your parents?
Kion: It's been actually well. And I might say, it's been too emotional. A little too emotional, I might say.
Bunga: Yeah. Even though Uncle Timon and Uncle Pumbaa were not always my typical parents, but when I was down or really felt depressed deep down, my Uncles always sings "Hakuna Matata" to me to cheer me up.
And even though I've never met my real parents, I always knew that they loved me. Even we were miles apart.
Beshte: Even though I didn't even met my mom, my dad always tells stories about her. Like, how she was always leading the hippo lanes and how she always lend a helping hand to everyone in the Pridelands. I always think that I got my personality to my mother. I would just wished that she was still alive somewhere.
I would really think that she was so proud of me.
Ono: I was even bullied back when I was a little hatchling. I was different than all of the flock. Some of them, they called me "featherhead" for no reason. I became shy while I was growing up. Until I decided that I should stand up and stand out for myself. And also, when you asked me to be in this team, yet, I was still different than all of you. But you appreciated me for who I was. I am not even a big animal. I'm just an egret with a big heart and knowledge and facts to share with all of you. And also keen. (giggles)
Fuli: Even though I was an only cheetah in this whole land, I was felt lost until now. Ever since when I was a cub, I've never ever met my mom. I grew up with my dad until he decides that he could love another cheetah than me. I really felt ashamed back then. Broken, depressed and always crying for the things that I've never done. Until, one day, I found an another family. All of you guys. You really felt like family to me. You've showed me what real family love is. To bond together, to defend together, to fight together and to love together. It's like our bond was unbreakable. I've never felt the same again without you guys. What about you, Kion? Do you have something to share with us? Something that we would like us to tell?

I felt hesitated. Telling my friends my entire story of how I became who I was. I took a deep breath and started anyways.

Kion: You know I am not just your plain, ordinary cub. But actually, I didn't even know that I was destined to be a leader ever since when I was a little cub. Back then, I had a million questions on the back of my head, telling me that what I was destined for or what will my destiny be, whatever. Until one ordinary day, while me and Bunga were playing baobab ball, we are trying to chase each other out to get the ball. Until it drops into the Outlands. After Bunga got down to find it, that's when it striked me the feeling of there's something underneath my breath that I couldn't tell. But then Bunga was captured by two hyenas, Cheezi and Chungu. They teased me really badly until, I was afraid and mad at the same time and I just wanted to let out by a single shout but instead, I roared for the first time.
Fuli: Whoa. Kion? Did you felt shocked that you've made a roar so loud that it sends up all around the Pridelands?
Kion: Yes. I was shocked that I made that loud roar. And I didn't know that it was coming into me. It left me a thousand of questions for me to answer. A few of them were answered. First, that roar that I created earlier is The Roar of the Elders and it was a greatest gift to a second born cub. Second, is what I was destined for. To be a fiercest and a leader of this team. The Lion Guard. Third, is my choice of team members.
Bunga: Oh, oh, oh, oh! I remember that one! I asked first if I wanted to a member of the Guard. Then you asked Fuli, Beshte and Ono.
Kion: Right. And you asked me to do the roar. But I was very hesitant for using it. Besides, I don't want to end up just like Scar did with his roar. And it was likely mentioned a squeak when I first attempted to.
Ono: Oh that squeak. I remember.

Everyone laughed.

Kion: Then my dad came and he doubted me much. Saying that The Lion Guard is always made with lions and to take my responsibility seriously. I was heartbroken by that. Then I decided that I should walk alone. With a thousand questions still burning into my head, it definite gave me a no define answer to all my questions. I cried. I would just wished that if it was a dream, I could just wake up and pretend like nothing had ever happened. Until I've met someone. Someone very important.

I looked back at the painting of my grandfather. My friends looked at the painting to. Then right after a slight silence, Bunga asked this question.

Bunga: (gasps) Did you talk to your grandfather?!

I guess they know the truth. I nodded.

Fuli, Beshte and Ono: Whoa.
Ono: I guess Kion was pretty special. I know that lions were pretty fierce, but I think some lions are prettly special especially talking to a spirit of some sort.
Beshte: You could say that again, Ono.
Fuli: Same to me.
Kion: I know that I've learned a lot about him when I was growing up. But he did gave me an advice. He told me to trust my instincts and the Roar will be there when I need it. But I was still confused right after the talk. But then suddenly, the realization had finally hit me. And it changed my life forever.

I looked on my mark on my shoulder and tried to recreate the feeling that I've first expected in my life.

Kion: I did finally realized that it was time for me to grow up. I had an incredible journey finding who I was destined to. Even though, I didn't know for the first time but, I was truly thankful for that. I didn't know first if it is really my time to embrace my destiny. But with all my heart, I was really ready to learn more about myself and to defend the Pridelands and protect the Circle of Life. And in that moment, I've paused, breathed, realized, embraced my destiny and myself.
Bunga: So in that very moment, you became a leader? As in official? Really official?

I nodded.

Kion: Yes.
Fuli: Whoa. Your story was so inspiring so far.
Ono: Indeed.
Bunga: Yeah, I could say that Kion's my best friend.
Kion: Then after that moment, we've battle through Janja and his clan. But before exactly we do--
Bunga: Oh, oh, oh! You gave us "friendship" marks on our shoulders.
Kion: "Friendship" marks?
Fuli: Yeah, I admit that. I think our marks that symbolizes our friendship that we are currently in.
Bunga: Yeah. A circle of friends.
Kion: Then after all of these times, including saving my sister through a herd of gazelles. It was finally my turn to do my part. I faced them off with a slight glare and inside of me, I was trying to get the anger out of myself. I was so terrified and scared at the same time. I closed my eyes and just listened to what my heart says. I know that believing in your instincts was totally an advice, but with all the emotions and feelings already jumbled up, I finally felt like I was really ready to unleash my inner roar. So I took a deep breath and did that.
Fuli: The moment that you've roared away the hyenas.
Kion: Yeah. You got me there! It really felt amazing that you've finally found your own voice. Especially from all of those years hiding it from everyone. And when I finished, I breathed and opened my eyes. I really did it. I really found myself again in a whole new world. Everyone was proud, especially my parents, you all, and myself. I was proud that I finally became a brand new version of myself and the beginning of my journey as a leader. (sighs) Ever since that, I declared that day as my most incredible day in the whole entire life. The day that I finally accepted who I was today.
Fuli: That was amazing, Kion.
Ono: Yeah.
Kion: I never felt more thankful that we've not just formed as a circle of friends. We are a team.
Fuli: And that's what counts.

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And this is where the sort-of-a-deleted sequel gets off deployed. 😐 The part when Fuli says, "And that's what counts." is the part that my inspirations just drained to zero. 😟 I wished I had written more back then.

Anywho, this is the sequel of "Path of Honor" and it is intended to be in my old writing style.

But that Kion part was the one that I was meant to cringe out the most. And I don't want to add that to the remake (yes, I am doing a remake of "Destined to Defend" this 2020 and I might just getting started on pre-writing it).

I hope you liked this chapter, even though it's a little cringy to me, but I'll let you guys be the judges. Alright? Love you.


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