Fighting for a Cause

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Sequel to "A Crowned Prince"

"How we should get pass those hyenas without making a single creep out of us?" Hatari said, agressively in anger.

"Uh......" Adia trailed off, cluelessly. She had tried to think of a solution, quick. But she was about to say anything then suddenly, they heard running footsteps coming in this way.

"Leave that to us!" a female cheetah called then she approached them alongside with her friends, Ono, Beshte, and Bunga. "We heard that your on a big quest to save our leader. And we'll help you from here."

"Yeah! There's nothing that The Lion Guard can do!" Bunga exclaimed.

Adia threw off a smile on her face as she was delighted that she has more animals to help her.

"Well, okay. But how? Seriously, how?" Hatari asked Fuli. And she did completely ponder this question out.

They completely start their journey back to the Pridelands, where her parents had to make a deal about their stay in the Pridelands with King Scar and Queen Zira in Pride Rock.

The hyenas who may actually guard the lair, are actually guarding. Fuli had found a way to plan this out.

"Hey, hyena!" she yelled. "Try to catch me!"

"Or try to catch me!" Ono smirked.

The hyena jumped out of their places then they chased Fuli and Ono out of the lair's entrance. All of them cheered quietly as they quickly ran inside the lair. When they got in, all of them are scattered with age. The lair was dark, forbidden and abandoned. All the webs are hanging around throughout every stick, and the watering hole is already dried up too.

And at the middle of the toppled rock, lays the Prince. Who was still sleeping in slumber after all these years and he had actually grew too. His mane is larger than they seen, more from Adia's visions and his longer tail just swayed in slumber.

Bunga and Beshte stared at the sleeping Prince with worry with Bunga holding Beshte's leg for comfort.

"Oh, Kion." Bunga whispered to his best friend. He'd missed his friend so much. He'd miss all the times that they played Baobab ball, all the times they threw off the evil Outlanders out and all the times that they defended each other, like brothers. Bunga blinked so then his tears won't show. Beshte does as well.

"He's gonna be okay, Bunga." he murmured to Bunga.

"Don't worry, we'll save your friend." Asali whispered, patting his shoulder.

Adia walked in closer to the Prince and she took out the leaves that actually covers him. She took a deep breath and she said in a very confident tone, "Lay the crystal into the Prince's shoulder."

She did what Rafiki instructed her. She placed her paw underneath the crystal. And of course, light wasn't even present.

"Ona! Can you please web out the hole so then we could shine through the crystal?" Adia asked Ona. Then she nodded in reply. She swooped in into the top and she web out and a little light then the light had shone into the crystal making it sparkle.

Adia stared at the crystal and she gulped in nervousness.

"Hope this will work." she told herself with hope.

She took a deep breath and  spoke clearly, with hope and sympathy at her gaze. She held the crystal tightly as she spoke.

"From the bottom of my heart, I want you to lift this curse off our Prince!"

Then all of the sudden, the crystal glowed. It shone like a large moon and it's magic sparkles circling around Adia and the Prince. She closed her eyes and she felt like she's floating on air. Then the crystal shined brighter, as they spread across the entire lair. Leaving the dark aside and letting the light rise right through. Now, the lair is now like the normal lair that everyone knew.

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