Satisfied [TLG cast × Hamilton mashup]

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*Alexander and Elizabeth are Max Charles and Peyton Lee. Happy Reading!

It was Alexander and Elizabeth's wedding day and everyone was so enamored by their ceremony that happened just by this afternoon.

The reception was decorated in spines of green and orange, mixing them to make an ultimate dream theme for the newly weds. Alexander and Peyton danced at the ballroom as the guests clapped and cheered up for them.

They shared a kiss as the boys whooped loudly. Expect for the one who still refuses that they're in love. Diamond White, a stand-up polictical girl or as known as the first lady who stumbled into Alexander and the maid-of-honor of her stepsister, Elizabeth.

She stared at them numbly as she figeting her fingers around. She was kind of upset to know that her crush is marrying her stepsister but she doesn't want to show her that she was utterly upset about her ending up with her crush. She'll just wanted to show her that she was proud of her without her feeling left out of place.

"It is sure was a nice wedding, Di." Dusan said while drinking his blue vodka. He was her collage friend who was a senior film director at Atlanta, whom he had earn three award recognitions that were shown at a film fest. "I'm sure that Alex dude might be proud of being Peyton's wife."

"Of course she is!" laughed Atticus while editing his shots at his phone. "Well, look at her. She was pretty as a sea blue princess!"

He shown him the picture of Alexander and Elizabeth together as they come out of the church happily with pink flower petals showering over them.

Dusan laughed as Diamond looked at him disgustingly.

"And look at those two happily living their fairytail." she muttered. "Someday, he'll hurt her."

"Come on! Don't be a dumb sick lady." Atticus whined, grabbing the cupcake quickly that the waiter just placed in the table. "You'll just have to celebrate their long lasting marriage. Be happy!"

"Atticus is right, Di. Lighten yourself up." Dusan agrees and he quickly gulped into his vodka.

She rolled her eyes as she looked at Joshua, who was klinking his wine glass using his teaspoon as the other had klinking their wine glasses as well. Alexander and Elizabeth didn't resist kissing each other as the people had klinked their glasses more loudly.

"Alright, alright! That's what I'm talking about!" he laughed as he raised his wine glass to the newly weds.

Everyone whooped as they clapped their hands loudly.

"Since this special night was been so mellow, we'd like to honor the wedding speech to someone that she loves most through good and bad times." Joshua announced. "I'd like to welcome you our maid-of-honor, Diamond White!"

Everyone applauded as Diamond gruffly stood up from her seat and she quickly grabbed the wine glass from the waiter then she stood infront of her stepsister as she faked her smile and she faced everyone happily.

"A toast to the groom!" she said as she rasied her glass.

"To the groom!" everyone repeated as they raised their wine glasses.

"To the bride!" she smiled as everyone repeated her.

"From your sister, who is always by your side."

She raised her glass to the newly weds as they raised their glasses as well.

"To your union!" she smirked.

"To the union, to the revolution!" they said happily.

"And the hope that you provide." she faintly smiled as the people h harmonzie with her.

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