The Lake of Reflection

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Sequel to "Kion's Lament"

"With each step comes a new path that you'll take." said Kion to his own daughter, Adia while looking to their reflection in Big Springs, one sunny afternoon.

"And it was exactly called the 'The Path of Honor'." Adia finished with her head tilted up and looked on her reflection and they laughed.

"Dad, you sure that you got a lessons that you taught me. Especially telling me all about your adventures leading the Pride Lands and beyond." Adia remarked.

She stared at her face wishlist she was able to see her sparkling auburn eyes but she frowned all of the sudden, with her thoughts racing for some-what a reason.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" her father asked, noticing her state of mind and frown that formed her lips. "You could tell me everything." he muttered under his breath.

She turned to make eye-contact with him and she stood up and approached him.

"Rani just informed me yesterday morning about passing her role to mine. And I don't know if I could lead." Adia said with doubt lingering within herself. She closed her eyes and began to whimper silently. "I am scared. And I am afraid if Rani saw what I could do, I am afraid she would doubt me."

Kion smiled in sympathy in his gaze. He approached her and he hugged her in comfort. She continued to whimper but she slowly reassured and began to smile weakly.

"You know, I was like you since when I was your age." he remarked. "And I had much of a doubt taking the lead."

"You do?" responded Adia, curiously moves away and sits down, with her ears ready to listen whatever words he might said.

Kion sat down beside her and he looked at his reflection. He nodded at her and she leaned her head onto his.

"When I was your age, I was used to be the playful cub that plays the unusual games, and jumps all around the fellow lions for fun. And I always think that my life was perfect and wishing that things would even stay the same." told Kion. "Then until one day, the unusual day came, while your Uncle Bunga was in trouble with two hyenas in the Outlands, something had flickered my mind that I feared the most and unexpectedly didn't know what it came to me. And that was when I knew that I was gonna be more than just a Prince. I felt so overwhelmed at first and yet, I was so thrilled that I'll gonna experience this once in a lifetime journey.

So I began assembling my friends over to tell what was going on and suddenly, my dad or your grandfather even came and he doubted me for the choices that I had done and I ended up walking alone."

Adia looked at her reflection again and she looked at him with awe. She looked back at her again then she tried to reminisce her father's past by seeing beyond the ripples of the lake then imagining that she was there at that moment where her father, as a young cub was walking down the field alone.

"I felt hopeless, yet I questioned myself that 'Why? Why did he trusted me at all? I should take that responsibility on my own but, should I be ready for this responsibility?' and yet all of my thoughts continue to race on until someone came out beyond the heavens." her father continued as she walks down then she hid beyond the bushes then she saw someone beyond the clouds. It was her Great-Grandfather Mufasa who appeared. "He told me that I should trust my instincts and the Roar will always be there when I needed the most. And when he vanished away back, I still doubted myself in the back of my head. And right in this very same spot where we were standing, was where I confess everything that I always wanted to say. Then I made that one wish that would reflect my future. One wish that would change my life forever."

"And what was that wish exactly?" she asked her father in thought as she sees the moment where he sat down in the same place where they were sitting in the present.

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