Seeking Confidence Within [#TheirForthcomingBeginnings]

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Aftermath of "Return of the Roar"/Rewrite of "Time for the Lion Guard" in Kion's point of view

After we hugged each other after our first battle, we went back to the lair where we celebrated our victory together.

It was joyful yet, filled with laughter. I was happy for the thing that I had done during the battle. Sure, I embraced my confidence and my Roar and all but...I still don't understand what my dream meant now.

It seemed to come true but actually, there might some things that was hard to accept. Like, when I lead them with all my heart and embracing the responsibility that I shall had beneath my paws.

I was still overwhelmed, yet, scared for what lies beneath it. As I scanned the whole lair, all I hear was my friends' voices whom they are getting to know each other a little bit more. I could just wished I could just join them but I just can't. But I enjoyed their company whenever they really fight off the Outlanders.

I went out of the lair as I looked beyond the orange-y black sky as I watched the stars come out. They twinkle up high, just like last night, before I ever had the Roar.

I silently prayed at the Great Kings as I thanking them for today for helping me realizing my destiny.

But what if, my dream did came true? Does it seem that my future was brighter than what I just see?

I head to the pond and I saw my relfection as I stared at myself with a frown.

"Kion?" someone called as I quickly turned around and saw Bunga in the distance.

"Oh, it's just you." I spoke. "I thought you're back at the lair."

"I know, but I saw you outside. Why are you here anyway?" he asked as he sat down on a rock beside me.

I looked at my relfection again and I sighed as if I don't wanna tell my dream to Bunga. He might be freaked out once I told him.

"You should probably be going. I'll meet you at the lair." I shooked my head as Bunga stood up and he frowned at me as if he would really ask me for help then he left me.

And yet, I was still staring at my relfection and sighed tirelessly. I closed my eyes and I sung the words that my heart was kept telling me ever since I had that wish.

"No need to wonder, the choice is done." I sung quietly as Bunga stopped a few feet away from me, as he heard me sing from a frick of his ears.

He turned around as he saw me from behind, as if he knew what I was doubting inside.

"Kion?" he muttered as he walked back to me.

"And now I believe I truly am the one." I finished as I let down my tears fall against the ground.

Why I felt so broken after all these moments that I done today? Why I still cannot accept the fact that I was ready to lead but still, I cannot accept this big responsibility that I shall had?

I cried as I let down my doubts take on me, then suddenly, I felt something warm that touched my face. I opened up my tear-welled eyes and saw Bunga was drying my tears.

"It's okay to cry." Bunga told me as I continue to cry and I hugged him tightly. He accepted the hug as he held me tighter.

We let go of each other after a minute then I stared at Bunga with a frown.

"Bunga, I--" I hesitated as I gulped down and new tears are starting to fall against my cheecks. "I never knew that my dream was real."

"What dream?" Bunga asked in confusion then I explained everything what happened on that dream. Including the one that I had a deeper voice.

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