Where Our Destiny Leads Us

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Knowing that we'll leave our home, after the battle that we won boldly.

Looking back on those memories that we've made each other felt hurt by first. By a scar that may tear a strong heart or by a sight that blur into it's very own eyes. Through a little winch of pain does disturb all of his thoughts that may lead into a devious disaster, a little comfort may soothe a little pain that may be stuck there temporarily.

Wherever when we'll find the cure throughout every single step that's beyond us, or throughout every disaster that we may face to every land that we might see

Destiny might lead us to a whole new points of our lives, through every step that we take comes a whole new hope that shine through ourselves. And wherever where destiny might lead us, just remember this one thing, just follow your heart and had faith between your loved ones behind... Until the Pridelands end.

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That's only a short poem based on the ending of the movie.

I cannot get over by that ending that I officially got obsessed with.

Okay, hope you had a wonderful day!

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