Follow that Hippo! [#TheirForthcomingBeginnings]

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"Okay, ready, steady, go!" the animal kids chanted whisperfully as the two kids hid beyond the grass. The grass shaked out as they went through.

Then the two other kids, a zebra and a elephant whispered to each other as they were concocting a plan to stop the baddies until the elephant yelled, "Hyena attack!" which all the animals panicked on.

"Panic and run! Panic and run!" a zebra chanted as he panically runs into the animals where they stood into one group.

"Everybody calm down!" Kion reassured them as he approached with the Lion Guard by his side. "Who saw the hyenas? Where are they?"

"In, in the grass!" a gorilla nervously responded as he pointed into the grass.

"Hyenas! We know you're in there!" Kion called as he slowly approaching the grass. He stared around the area before he gave the Guard an affirmative nod.

"Lion Guard, spread out! You're surrounded, hyenas!" he scolds as the grass began to shrug around. "Come on out!"

"Don't hurt us!" the ostrich cried as she came out from the grass.

"We're not really hyenas!" the monkey adds.

"Uh, yeah. We can see that." Fuli nodded slightly with a firm smile.

"Why were you trying to scare everybody?" Kion asked the ostrich.

"We weren't! We were just playing Lion Guard!" the ostrich chirped.

"Playing Lion Guard?" Beshte questioned as he raised his one eyebrow up.

"And it was our turn to be the bad guys!" she adds with a nervous shrug.

"It was all Mtoto's idea!" the monkey said as he pointed to Mtoto the elephant, whom he was smiling nervously.

"Are you Mtoto?" Kion asked him which he responded with a firm nod. Then he turned to Ono. "Ono, want to give the all clear?"

"Affirmative." Ono groaned as he flew off to inform the animals, which they groaned at the false alarm.

"So you guys were pretending to be the Lion Guard?" he asked the kids whom they sat around him.

"Oh, yeah!" the ostrich nodded cheerfully. "We each take turns being different members!"

"Except Mtoto, he's always Beshte!" the monkey pointed to Mtoto, whom he shyly smiled at him.

"Really? Me? Poa!" Beshte marveled.

"And who gets to pretend to be me?" Bunga smiled at the monkey.

"You know, whoever is last." he answered firmly as Bunga gasped wide-mouthed.

"Say what?"

"Well, little Lion Guard, this isn't the best time to pretend to be hyenas." smiled Kion as Ono flew in beside him.

"And I just saw Janja and his hyenas sneaking into the Pride Lands yesterday afternoon." he commented.

"And they're still around here..." Fuli shrugs. "Somewhere."

"So you can see why everyone got so upset." Kion finished as the animal kids smiling frownly.

"We never meant to scare anybody!" the ostrich shooked her head.

"We won't do it again! Promise!" the monkey pleaded as the animals chanted whisperfully.

The elephant--or--Mtoto walked closely to Beshte as he stared at him with a curious look. He smiled at him as he wagged his elephant tail.

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