It Starts With You and Me

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A special day has came in along in the Tree of Life. It was the wedding of Rani and Kion, whom they loved each other in pure faith and heart.

And as all of the animals of the Tree of Life, which includes the animals of the Pride Lands had joined in together to witness the wedding of the century.

King Simba and Queen Nala stared at the beauty of the Tree as they tearfully remembered their son's first steps towards them until the time they saw his son proposed to his mate.

Kion had walked in as she turns around to greet him.

"Rani." he called her.

"Kion! I'm glad the Roar is back at the Tree of Life again." she said as she was delighted to have the Roar back to the Tree of Life.

"And this time, it will stay." he remarked. "As long as I still had it in me."

Rani chuckled as she approaches him with a nuzzle. "I cannot wait to rule this kingdom with you."

"So do I." he nodded as he nuzzles his mate back. "And we're gonna rule this thing together."

"Never doubt that." Rani finished then they laughed as Makini, their royal apprentice, approaches them with a fruit that she held that was filled with blue paint.

"Shall I?" Makini asked as the two nodded in response.

Then the wedding proceeds along with Makini applying the paint over their foreheads then she sent off some prayers to the Great Kings, to bless their marriage.

Then she went into Rani's side and she patted her back, to reassure her.

"Rani, will you take Kion to be your beloved wedded mate?" Makini asked.

"I do." Rani responded as she stares at Kion with a grin that cherished her lips.

Then Makini heads off to Kion's side then she asks, "And Kion, will you take Rani to be your beloved wedded mate?"

"I do." he responded with a smile.

"And now, I shall pronounce you, King and Queen of the Tree of Life--" Makini announced as the animals grinned then she looked at Rani and Kion with a delightful smile. "You may now kiss and praise each other!"

The animals cheer as Kion and Rani moved one step together then they kissed each other.

"Yay, Kion!" Kiara praised him as Kovu stared at him with a smile.

"Animals of the Tree of Life, may I present you, Queen Rani and King Kion!" Makini announced as the animals cheered on the newly weds then she leaves the stage and reunites with her parents with a welcoming hug.

After the wedding ceremony had took place, the newly crowned King Kion and Queen Rani stepped down to meet with their loved ones.

"Congratulations, you two!" Nala greets the newly wed couple as she nuzzles them.

"Thanks, mom." Kion acknowledges as he nuzzled back.

"I cannot believe that my son was a King." praised Simba as he nuzzled his son with pride and joy. "I never even expected that you loved each other so dearly."

"Neither we do." Queen Rani smiled as she walked beside her mate. "Your son was the most fiercest lion that I ever known yet."

"Even you were the kindest one that I ever met." Kion agrees as he nuzzled his beloved.

"Don't you!" she teased as laughingly ruffles his mane.

They laughed together as they walked across the crowd. His parents left his side as he faces Queen Rani with a smile that grimaced his lips.

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