A Matter in A Heartbeat

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Deleted/Outtake of "Destined for Royalty"

As Vitani looked up back into the stars, she felt the wind off her fur.

"Maybe, he's right. My dream did came true." she thought with a soft smile as the stars twinkled in the sky.

She was seemed happy for a moment then she frowned all of a sudden.

"But I dunno if I still had a chance to change my ways." Vitani thought as she stared at her mark that Kion just bestowed to her. "Was it all the consequences that had happen to me?"

She sighed in frown as she looked down and closed her eyes as she began to wonder what truly takes to be a leader of her own Lion Guard.

She looked at the stars twinkling at her as she wished that she could wake up from the things that she just saw right before her.

Then she remembered her mother, Zira, about the time when she was younger. She playfully ran around the Outlands as she was chasing a butterfly until her mother called her name and she approached her immediately.

"Yes, mama?" she asked her in a pleasing tone.

"Well, sweetie. I want you to look out for your brother, Nuka for me. Kovu and I shall head off hunting off some termites for dinner."

"But, mama!" she groaned slightly as she playfully pulled her ear and she guides her to the thing that she'd done. "I wanna show you something that I done!"

"Really?" she lifted her one eyebrow up as she follows Vitani over to the watering hole.

"See, mama?" Vitani smiled at her as she shows her the sculpture of her dream team of lionesses. "When I grow up, I'll gonna be protecting the Outlands with these lionesses."

"Ha, ha." Zira laughed sarcastically at her as she rubs Vitani's head playfully. "Of course not. You been telling your dream again."

"I always told you my dream a lot of times." she mutter.

"I know, sweetie Vitani, but that dream was too far distant for you."

Vitani frowned of what her mother just said and she bowed down her head down.

"And if Simba doesn't kill Scar off the cliff, he would still be the ruler of the Pride Lands." Zira groaned in frustration.

"But mama--"

"Kovu!" she called to her son, Kovu as he approaches her with a nuzzle. "We had to go, Vitani. And remember to watch over Nuka for me."

They walked away as they left her alone in the distance. She turned around as she looked at the sculpture and she stared at it as she sadly frown about what her mother just said to her.

Nuka approached all of a sudden as he ran into her with an embrace. She stared at him with sympathy as she knew what her brother was saying.

"It's okay, Nuka. We'd tried our best. But I'll conqure my dream someday and I'll show mom that I shall be a leader of my dream team." she said determinedly as she looks back at the sculptures with a firm face.

And as she reminces back to the present, she knew what her dream meant for her as she was standing in Kion's position as the leader of the Lion Guard and yet, she couldn't actually believed that she had conqured her dream to be a leader, as she was promised to. And her mother wasn't here to see her lead her way.

She cried as she mourns for her mother.

"Why she had to leave me? Does she loved me more than just enough?" she thought sadly as she dwelled down her tears.

She sobbed tremendously as she knew that she doesn't deserve the role that she was standing on and she ever wished that her mother was still around her.

Yet, she weeped through her depressing thoughts as she doubted herself for her being the leader of her own Guard.

"Vitani?" Kovu called as he approaches his sister with a worried look.

"Kovu." she muttered as she turns around to face him.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

She did not respond to his question and she just avoided him.

"I know things are pretty hard now, and I think you've been hesitant to tell me you're doubting." he spoke as he walked closer to her.

She looked into the pitch black sky and she watched the stars twinkle as she silently wandered into the sounds of the night. Then after a short breif silence, Kovu spoke again.

"I understand that Kion, I mean, he gave you that role and I knew you stood a chance to change your way that you look around. Like, when our mother didn't see us from eye-to-eye and she was always selfish yet, untruthful. But you determined yourself to change the way that you see things, from your dream to reality. And I, I did support you for almost everyday. Even our mother was prying me off from you to get me to practice hunting.

And I'm so proud of you that you made that achievement to conqure that dream ahead of our mom. It was hurt to see her go, at least she was in a better place now."

She silently listened to his words then he patted her shoulder and she looked at him with a sad smile.

"I know, Kovu." she spoke quietly. "But after all these years I dreamt about being a leader, I don't know if I should lead the Lion Guard. I meant, what if I would become our mother? What if I can't weild the Roar properly? I don't know how I could live this life now that my life was starting to change? It doesn't feel the same anymore. And if Nuka's here with us, he will re-ensure me. But he's not."

Then she looked at her mark on her shoulder. "I just wished that dream will just scatter away."

"Vitani, don't doubt yourself and don't feel ashamed that you wished you took that dream. You dreamt up for this. I know things may be changing, but us, we're gonna be still the same. As time comes and time grows, I'll make sure that we're still be together, even our mother and Nuka are gone forever. And I may still help you conqure your dream, but you can ensure you always trust your instincts." he advised as he put his paw unto hers.

She looked down to her paw as she saw him do that and she looked at him with her frown slowly turning into a smile then she chuckled happily.

"I guess you're right, Kovu. I may not know my place a long time ago, and I think I've already found it." she said.

Then she nuzzled him as she gave out a happy cry.

"Thank you." she acknowledged as she nuzzled her brother tenderly.

Then after a few silent moments, Kovu did broke the nuzzle then he walked back to the den, leaving her alone in the night. She looked into the night sky as she watched the star twinkle once more. And all of the sudden, her mark glowed brightly as she looked at her shoulder with a shock. Then by a minute, the glow dimmed out and she looked at her shoulder closely.

She seemed to be confused at first, then when she knew what that glow meant, she frowned as she looked down into her paws. Then she smiled softly as she felt the unfamiliar feeling that she never felt in a long time, pride.

And that's when she realized that she had accepted her role and her dream. She finally smiled happily as she knew that she had conqured that doubt and she was finally ready to lead the Pride Lands as the Leader of the Lion Guard.

"Kion?" she called to the stars above her. "I don't know if you might still hear me but, I just wanted to say, I'm ready."

Then she looked at the sky with a confident smile as the stars fall in the sky.

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Happy New Year!

So here's a one-shot that's a deleted script from "Destined for Royalty"!

I was so excited for this one cause I had started this in October and I finished this only tonight at my Aunt's house. And say I am proud of this, and I have a lot more to go for this year!

I hope you'll love this story and I'll see you on the next one!

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