We're Of the Same Pride

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"Kion." Rani called him as she approached and she sat down with him on the edge of the lake, one sunny morning.

"Hey, Rani." Kion said as he stared at his reflection, slient minded about the past events that he'd been through.

"You did a great job of using the Roar back there." she warmly complained to him as she stared at him as she remembers yesterday's events.

"Thanks." he acknowledged. "And do you still want me into the Tree of Life again?"

"Hey! That was a while ago, Kion." she chuckled. "It's funny how things change once you get to know someone."

"Yeah, we do." he agreed and they looked back at their reflection.

The world became silent for them as they stared at each other's reflections. Rani frowned at Kion as she felt ashamed for what she has come so far for being the new crowned Queen.

"What's the matter?" Kion asked her, noticing her state of mind.

"Nothing." she responded with sigh. "It's just, things had changed since I met you and now, I realized that with you by my side, I felt confident and brave whatever I rule this kingdom around. And I believe that we do work together. Don't you think?"

"Yeah. The Lion Guard and the Night Pride do pretty well together." he smiled.

"Yeah, but, what I meant is, we do worked together." she pointed out.

"Yeah, we do." he nodded then Rani stood up then she walked away.

Kion followed her as Rani continued to walk away from him. He tried to keep up with her but she just kept walking away from him. And because he cannot hesitate to ask Rani what's truly on her mind, he patted her back and she jolted around him.

"What's up with you, Rani?" he growled. "Why are you walking away from me?"

Rani do not respond as she bowed her head down.

"Come on, why are you avoiding me, just for this once?" he argued. "I know that you still might hate me, but I tried my best to impress you. I even let my Guard help you on your daily patrols. I even helped you in the every step of the way. Is there a problem that I shall improve? Is there a thing that was happening between us? Please, tell me. Just tell me!"

"It's because I love you, Kion! I cannot hide this feeling for any longer. I love you, Kion." she finally admitted to him as she cried out to him.

He was speechless for the thing that she had said to him, but she had to still confess what her heart means to him.

"Ever since we met, I thought you're been the threat that the Tree of Life has been waiting and it's turns out, you're more than what I expect than being just a stranger to me." she whispered softly. "And now I realized that, Kion, you're been so gentle and sweet to me. You're kindness and will had made me realize what a leader shall do. Like me, well, I'm a queen and you're a prince. We're different but still the same when we look inside ourselves. And I never knew this friendship was more than I ever expected it would be. This is love, Kion. This is really love."

She broke down on the last words she said as Kion quickly hugs her. She continue to cry as he comforted her.

"Shh, shh. Rani, I..." he started as he looks at her. "I never knew what love was when I first came here and now, I realized that, what my father meant for something that I never knew as a cub. And you showed me patience that I wished you had, and beginning then, my heart already had lead to you. And I wanna thank you for that."

She chuckled. "I never expect that I used to hate you that way. And I felt ashamed that I knew how I felt now. We've matured since we discovered ourselves and now, we finally realized what love meant for the two of us. Don't you think?"

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