Christmas in the Tree of Life [#TheirForthcomingBeginnings]

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In one cold chilling morning, the sun shone so brightly as the animals of the Tree of Life are excited for this one holiday that they had waited for so long.

It was Christmas.

The day where everyone could celebrate peace and friendship. It was also the day that everyone gathers their decorations to decorate their own dens and caves with green trimming, mistletoe, and a lot of colored fruits that just scattered around the land.

A lioness cub, named Adia stood out in the morning sun as she watched the sun rise before her. Her head tilted sideways as she felt the wind blew towards her.

Suddenly her father, Kion walked out of the Tree as he flexed himself out and he approached his daughter without her knowing that he was around her.

He touched Adia's shoulder as she felt a jolt to his touch.

"Dad!" she gasped.

He laughed as he saw his daughter's reaction. "Good morning, princess."

"And Merry Christmas." Adia briefly adds as she shrugged off the feeling that her dad just did.

"You too." he nodded as he turned to see the sun. "I guess the sun has risen up."

"Totally!" Adia smiled as Rani, her mother approaches her with a nuzzle.

"Good morning, sunshine! And Merry Christmas!" Rani greeted as she heads to his mate to give him a kiss.

"You too." he muttered as he stared at Rani's eyes tenderly.

"Okay, dad, that's enough of that Upendi." Adia said in disgust as she covers her eyes with her paws.

"Alright, let's go meet our subjects?" Rani said as she, Adia and Kion began to walk out the tree and into the far lands beyond.

As they walked out through the tree, the subjects had greeted them as they pass by a cave or a den. Adia smiled at them as she saw many great decorations all around her.

"Dad, it was nice to see all of our subjects decorated for the holiday." she said gleefully.

Then when they got to the giant Christmas tree, they were astounded as they saw many decorations in that one giant tree at the middle of the land.

"Seems nostalgic, isn't it?" Rani told Kion as she bumped him gently while looking at the tree.

"Yeah." he nodded. "Like I ever saw that Christmas tree ever since when I was a cub, now this holiday was more joyous cause now I have the two of you by my side."

"Awe, dad." Adia muttered as she smiled then suddenly, she began to wonder if her Christmas wish will be coming true today.

Ever since that she was born, all that she wanted was a Christmas with all of her family and friends all around her. A simple Christmas that will delight her. But everytime she asked her parents, they always said that they'll gonna be away from the Tree of Life every year, which bores Adia but when she got back from her trip, she had missed all the traditions that they held here.

Adia looked at her parents with a slight doubt but she knew that her parents are planning to get out of the land again to some place far away.

"It's too bad we've never seen the Christmas Tree light up while we were away." Rani spoke with a frown.

"Yeah. Besides, we're gonna be spending it with just the three of us. Together." Kion reminded them with a smirk.

"Yeah, but, dad. You never told me what I wanted for Christmas." Adia affirmed her father.

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