Destined for Royalty

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Requested by Steph92x

*this takes place after Kion showed his Roar to Vitani and before the wedding scene on "Return to the Pride Lands"

After Kion had shown his power to his cousin, Vitani, she widens her eyes as she approaches him with a shock that she never expect in years.

"Hevi Kebvisa." she marveled.

"Surprised?" Kion asked her then he looked around to see her fellow friends, whom is a part of Vitani's Lion Guard.

"Totally." Vitani nodded as she faces her team.

Her Lion Guard approached her as she was ready to pass on their marks.

"Ready, everyone?" she asked as they gave her an affirmative nod.

Then she bestowed each of her members their own Mark of the Guard as they cheered on and looked at their marks with pure pride and after she had bestowed their marks, the animals cheered as Vitani and her new official Guard members stood up with a smile.

After the battle, Kion and his friends, including the new Guard, heads back to Pride Rock for a celebration.

Vitani sat down on top of Pride Rock as she watches the sun set down and she sighed underneath her breath as she wonders the real reason why Kion sacrificed his role for her, besides she knows Askari, the first leader of the Guard, told him that he'd mastered the Roar within him. Although she had unleashed the Roar within her, she doubted that might affect her feelings towards her mother, Zira, whom she was passed away during a battle.

"Vitani." Kion called her as he approaches her and sat down beside her.

"Kion! Well, I wasn't surprised to see you here. I thought you and your parents are talking about planning for your engagement with your fellow lover, or--" she started.

"Rani. Queen Rani." he corrected her as she gave him an amusing frown.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." she sighed. "It's just, it's weird seeing you without the mark."

"Don't worry. You might get used to it." he shugged, as he looked at his shoulder where is own mark was used to be there. "Besides, in two days time, I might say goodbye to you, as I will propose to that girl that I loved back at the Tree of Life."

"Yeah. Exactly." she muttered. "I've still cannot explain this werid feeling that, when I've first ever beared this mark on my shoulder, it feels like something that I never knew that I had a responsibility that I shall deserve with, even when I first dreamt it ever since when I was cub."

"Really? Woah." he mused as he blinked on her with such amusement.

"Yeah." she nods. "I dreamt that I was a leader and I guided those who guided my way. It may be blurry, but I still humbly remember it ever since then."

"Wow. I never knew you dreamt of being a leader, even me, I actually didn't expect that you could become one. In the fact, your dream has come true." he chuckled as he formally smiled at her.

"Yeah. But for now, I still had doubts that if I shall conqure and follow my destiny. It seems so distant ever since you've gave me the Roar to me."

"I know it seems distant." he spoke as he faces her. "But you'll get used to it, like me, when I first got the Roar, I doubted that I'll would turn up like Scar and it turns out, that doubt was way over the rock by me. I do have become a great leader ever since when I was born, in the fact, I did saved Ono from the hyenas."

"Really? I never guessed that you're destiny lies beneath your own personality, or in this case, your own dreams." she sarcastically rolled her eyes at him.

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