Stone-aged Heart

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Once in a starry night, Kion, the prince of Pride Rock, was sleeping soundly beside his father. He tossed and turned as he snored sweetly, yet quietly.

Then suddenly, a lioness, or likely his sister, Kiara was playfully awake from her sleep and she jumped and she nudges her brother.

"Kion! Hey, Kion!" Kiara called. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

Kion groaned sliently as he turned around again.

"Kiara, I am asleep." he said, half-awake. His eyes twitched and he shutted off again.

"I just can't! The sky's awake, so I am awake." laughed Kiara, as she nudges her brother again on his head. "So we had to play!"

Kion quickly shoved her off of him then he huffed. But Kiara does not get aware of what she was expecting. She jumped into Kion again and she lifted off his left eyelid then she stared at him.

"Do you want to blow up the rains?" whispered Kiara.

Kion awoke from his sleep then he gave her a smile then they went off.

They ran across the fields and they jumped across the ponds. They chased each other joyfully as they laughed and giggled over. Then Kiara stopped and she turned to Kion with a big grin on her face.

"Do the Roar, Kion! Do the Roar!" she begged sweetly then Kion nodded in response.

"Ready?" he asked, as he stood his ground on. Kiara joyfully jumped up and she nodded. She walked behind her brother then he took a deep breath then he roared to make the clouds rain down.

Kiara jumped happily as she was surrounded with pouring raindrops that just dropped underneath her fur.

"This is amazing!" she said, gleefully.

They continusly chased each other as the rain continued to pour down upon them. Kion roared at the ground to make the rocks rise as Kiara jumped at them, and all that cause she was jumping way too fast, he accidentally hit his own sister with his roar and she was sent flying into a big boulder which her head was hit hard.

Kion ran to her aid quickly then he tried to wake her up.

"Kiara?" he said with worry and confusion upon his face then he ran off then he shouted, "Mom! Dad! Help!"

Their parents soon came in pure agony as they saw Kiara laying down unconsciously.

"Kion!" his father, Simba called as he rushed into Kiara's side.

"It was an accident! Sorry, Kiara." Kion apologized as he looked at Kiara with a slight of regret.

"She's unconsciously still." his mother, Nala muttered with worry against her emotions as she nuzzles Kiara to comfort her.

"I know where we had to go." Simba pondered as he carries his daughter and he walks away to someplace that he knew. Kion and Nala had followed him too.

As they were approaching to the place that Simba knew, a brown lion cub approaches to the scene with his little sister, a cream colored lioness, in tow. They followed them off as they were approaching a slope in between them. They soon hid behind a big boulder, quietly watching from above.

Simba walked to the Tree of Life, carrying his daughter with pure worry.

"Help, our daughter." Nala called out. Then all of the animals from all across the land approached the royal family with a questionable thought that they knew they came here for something.

"It's the king!" an animal called followed by murmurs of the crowd behind him.

"Animals?" he said to his sister, who were shocked to see so many animals who were circling around the royal family.

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