The Birds of a Feather

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Another battle has won against the vultures and the Pridelanders as Hadithi and the Lion Guard cheered in victory alongside Ono, the Pridelands' Keenest of Sight and his new friend, Anga, a martial eagle. Hadithi felt proud for them as they smiled with joy. Ono hopped beside Anga and they watched as the Pridelanders quacked and tweeted in joy.

"So how's working with Hadithi and the Lion Guard?" Ono asked Anga, who was standing in front of him.

Anga gives a smirk and smiled agressively. "I could get used to it." she replied.

They stared at each other. The birds continue to cheer on. Ono moved a little closer to Anga and he leans into her. Bunga slightly noticed him smiling.

"Uh, Ono?" Bunga called.

"Yeah?" Ono responded as he quickly moves away from Anga with her one eyebrow up in seriousness. "Sorry."

"Well, it was nothing." Anga shrugged.

Everyone stared at them for a minute.

"Okay. Since everyone did such a good job, you can bond with Hadithi for the rest of the day. And as for Ono and Anga, you two are gonna bond the rest of the day." Kion announced.

"Really?!" Anga burst out with excitement. Then she awkwardly smiled and chuckled. "Yeah. Ono and I could love it."

"Uh, yeah." Ono nodded. He stared at Anga with an okay-we're-good smirk.

"We're gonna be okay here, Kion." he muttered.

"And Ono, you could even come back to us if in case something happens." Kion reminded as he walks past him.

Ono nods in agreement. He chuckled in nervousness as he faces Anga.

"Okay, let's get back to our patrol and make sure there's no any vulture in sight." Kion announced as he walks away with the Guard leaving Ono and Anga alone.

Ono and Anga stared at each other confusedly.

"The rest of the day with Anga?" he thought. "What was I'm thinking?"

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Later that afternoon, Anga and Ono flew together as she shows him some more tricks that Ono never knew.

Anga does a 3 loop trick with her quirky flight. Ono followed her.

"That was amazing!" Ono grinned.

"Totally. I bet this is the best day that I had so far." Anga admitted.

They land off on a tree near the cliffs, overviewing the whole Pridelands. Ono sat down quietly as Anga stares at the view. She was totally amazed. Ono gulped as he nervously blushed just by the look of her.

"Do I seriously need to break out the silence?" Ono thought. "Am I having a little sense of-- I dunno-- uh."

Anga moved a little closer to him. Ono gasped with his eyes wide open. He chuckled nervously as he blushed out even more.

"I knew... This feeling." Anga muttered, smiling broadly.

"Yep." Ono quickly replied. "You probably don't need to know how I felt when I saw you everytime."

"Really?" she laughed then she looked back at the view. "I never felt that way too. But it was peculiar. For us."

"Yeah." he replied. Anga reached up her right wing to embrace Ono. He smiled softly.

"Thanks. I guess." Ono said matter-in-factly.

The two birds watched the skies change as the sun goes down. Anga was really hesitant to tell Ono more about herself. She would wanted to tell all about anything.

Ono jolted her off and breaks off from her embrace.

"Anga?" Ono asked, worriedly. "Are you okay?"

Anga moved in closer to him and she tells about her talent.

"You know Ono, I really got that talent like yours." Anga said softly. "But by the first time, I never realized that I really got the "keenest sight" and just accidentally used it a lot of times. It becomes useful to me as I seen very far places that I would need to see. Especially on those animals that would needed their help."

"Yeah. That's kinda the same thing when I got that too." Ono commented as he made eye contact with her.

"And if you would think that, well, as an eagle, you would fly higher than you can expect through. In the fact, you can see the whole world from down here." She admitted, aesthetically smiled in amazement.

"Exactly. Only that we are different." Ono scoffed. "And I cannot fly high just like you. In the fact that I'm just an egret."

"You think so?" she smirked as she nudges Ono's head. "You could still fly. Height does not matter when you took flight into the great air."

"Exactly." Ono nodded. "I think it's just how I used to think whenever everyone thinks that I just different. In the fact, I was the only member of the Guard that only flies to see the great dangers from down below."

"Exactly my point." Anga agreed.

Everything went slient after they talked. Anga blinked a few times to assure that her sight was still clear of what she could see. Then she sighed.

"I think I shall get back to the lair. My friends could be worried by now." Ono said swiftly as he flew off.

"Wait." Anga stopped him. "Maybe I'll flew you by there. I had something that I need to confess."

"Alright then." Ono said with an reassuring thought.

They flew together through the cliffs and the valleys with Ono making sure that he knows the way back to the lair. Anga glares at the egret as she swoops in gracefully through the wind. Ono looks down below in a doubtful matter as he thinks about his insecurities and all about what Anga said earlier.

Anga flew in closer to him and she nudged his head using her beak, to get his attention to just talk.

"Ono, about what I said earlier, I know you're been insecure about your talent, I mean ours, I supposed that maybe we could work each other again somehow." Anga asked softly. Ono flew in closer to her and gives an affirming nod.

"Yeah. It was fun being with you. Flying together and working together." he remarked.

"Totally. Thanks Ono. For today." Anga smirked.

She quickly bumped her beak off to Ono's head and swoops off back to her position. Ono shrugged by that move that Anga do but he smiled right after.

"No offense." Anga winked.

They arrived at the entrance of the lair and Ono landed at a near-by tree while Anga was still in flight.

"I'll better get going." Anga said, turning away to head back.

"Wait, Anga?" Ono asked. "Can we meet here tomorrow?"

"Sure." She replied. "If I had some time to spare on, I guess we would meet again."

"Great!" he cheered. "So see you tomorrow, then?"

"Yeah!" Anga smirked contentedly. "See you, Ono."

Ono winked at Anga as she flies away to the unknown. He smiled right after she left. He felt happy that he not just had met a new friend, but also a partner that he can team up with whenever he wanted to.

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I am out of my mind. Bleh.

So with that new song just got stuck into my head, I created this oneshot that may be a little more pleasing.

Especially with the Ono and Anga part. Even he doesn't know the real fact about love. (Note: He does not recongnized it yet.)

But I really hope you loved this oneshot, even it's just a little bit of whats-coming-out-of-my-brain.

See you next time, Lion Guardians!

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