Helpless [TLG cast × Hamilton mashup]

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Prequel of Satisfied (previous chapter)

At the prom of winter 2017, people were arriving around with their ballgowns and tuxedos as they entered the large ballroom. It was extravagant yet, exciting. It was like a dream that you wished that you've never wake up.

Alexander arrives with his father Rob, who also happens to be his teacher and his brother, Logan, who happens to be a high, top notch student who passed the Top 5s.

"So, here we are." Rob muttered as they hopped off their car.

"The prom." Logan added annoyingly. "The most promising event that all girls must squatter on."

"Don't be such killjoy, Logan." Alexander lightly scold him as he wrapped his arm around Logan's neck. "This night is gonna be the best! I bet there will gonna be a lot of ladies in there!"

"Yeah, ladies, my sainty kills me off now." Logan muttered disappointly.

"Hey, Alex!" Joshua called as he approaches him in a quick pace. "Sup' bro?"

"It's been grand bro." Alexander moaned as he quickly swiped his brother's arm off from him. "I cannot believe that this is the big night for the both of us!"

"Exactly! Everyone in our class was here, including Sofia, Madelene, and do you remember Dusan; the one who joins the screenwriter's gulid at our class?" Joshua squrimed as he wrapped his shoulder around Alex's neck.

"He's here too?" Alexander widens his eyes in surprise.

"Yep. It's going to be one heck of a prom." Joshua smiled excitedly as he raised his fist up.

"And Alex, if you ever need something, I'll be in the hall!" Rob reminded Alex as his son responded with a thumbs up as he and Joshua began to walk excitedly towards the entrance.

When they entered the entrance, it leads them to a large ballroom where the teenagers are squirming around excitedly while others chatted quietly.

"Hey, Dusan!" Joshua greeted as Dusan approached them. He was wearing a brown suit with a white shirt underneath it and a black leather pants with white sneakers.

"Hey, Josh! I am glad that you're here tonight!" Dusan laughed as he gave Josh a high-five.

"And do you know Alexander?" Joshua asked in a insisting tone as he lend Alexander's hand to him.

"Of course! I did almost saw you during breaktimes at the library!" Dusan delightfully smiled as he shook Alexander's hand. "How could I damn forget? And say, let's go get a drink before we head up to the main event?"

"Alright!" Joshua undeniably rejoiced as he and Dusan quickly walked off.

"I'll be waiting here." Alexander sighed as he began to look and wander around the hallway until suddenly, he had accidently bumped into a girl who was holding a drink.

"I'm sorry. Are you alright miss?" Alexander panicked as he quickly grabbed a handkerchief at his pocket.

"I am fine. Thanks." she briefly responded as she grabbed Alexander's handkerchief and she quickly tried to wipe off the stain at her blue dress. "My mom actually owned this dress and she'd let me borrowed it just for tonight."

"I'd guess your mom did own so many dresses like this one." Alexander smiled as she sighed in disappointment.

"Exactly. She was a dress maker at the Manhattans." she faked a smile as she quickly picked up the glass that was dropped to the rugged floor. "Oh, she would be unsatisfied with this stain on her dress."

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