Eye of the Beholder [#TheirForthcomingBeginnings]

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In one sunny morning in the Pride Lands, a chaos has been happening all around the battle field as the wildebeest tries to fog the Lion Guard's way to battle the hyenas.

"Kion!" Fuli groaned as she looked around panically. "How are we supposed to chase off the hyenas? We can't even see them with all this dust."

"No chance. But I'm sure that's part of Janja's plan, Fuli." Kion responded before he coughed out.

"Kion! Fuli! Look out!" Ono called them as they saw the wildebeest approaching them, but thankfully they did dodged it.

"Whoa! Good eyes, Ono! Keep 'em peeled for Janja and his clan!" Kion called him as Ono looked at him with slight disgust.

"Peeled eyes? Ew." he muttered then he saw Cheezi and Chungu all of a sudden as they were hiding behind the bushes. "Hapana! Bunga, Beshte! I see Cheezi and Chungu! They're behind that bush!"

"Let's get 'em, Beshte." Bunga smirked as he hopped on Beshte's back and they chased them off.

"That takes care of those two." Ono muttered as he flew back to Kion.

"Ono! Look for Janja!" he grunted as he avoids the wildebeest running around. "We chase him off, the rest of the hyenas will go, too!"

"Affirmative!" he whistled as he flew around the battle field.

And at the midst of the smoke, Janja creeped the lion cub behind as Kion looked around in the fog.

"Gotcha now, lion cub." he muttered before Ono gasped out as he shouted, "Kion! Behind you! Look out!"

And at a pace, Kion did looked behind and he pounced Janja off.

"Janja!" he grunted as he pushed him off as hard as he can. "I thought I told you to stay out of the Pride Lands!"

"Did you?" Janja narrowed his eyes at him. "I must'a forgot!"

"Kion! Incoming!" Ono called suddenly as a wildebeest is coming into their way.

"See ya, hyena." he smirked at him before he jumped away from Janja, making him threw up into the bush.

"I've had enough." he shooked as he got out of the bush. "Come on, fellows. Let's go!"

"But, Janja! What about the plan?" Cheezi questioned.

"Yeah. The dust is still making things hard to see." Chungu adds.

"Yeah, yeah. Dust don't matter when the Lion Guard has eyes in the sky. Now move it!" Janja  groaned as he pushed his clan back to the Outlands.

"That's right! Get outta here!" Fuli scolds as she pushed Chungu off.

"I'm going. I'm going!" he cried as he ran away.

"Keep going, Janja! All the way back to the Outlands!" Kion shouted.

"And stay out!" Bunga adds as he approaches him with a bump on the shoulder.

"Nice job, everyone." he smirked at them. "Follow them, Ono. Make sure they leave the Pride Lands."

"You got it, Kion." he nodded then he followed Janja and his clan to a cliff that leads to the Outlands.

"You heard him! Keep going!" he shouted at them as he followed them until suddenly Chungu kicked off the dirt into Ono's eye.

"Ow!" he yelped. "My eye! I'm hit!"

He fell down into the bush as the Guard approached him quickly.

"I'll grab him out!" Bunga exclaimed as he quickly grabbed Ono out of the bush.

"Oh, no." mouthed Kion as he approached him with his eyes widen up in surprise.

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