Jasiri's Gift [#TheirForthcomingBeginnings]

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It was supposed to post on December 1 but I do have writer's block that's bothering me. But I hope you like it nothingless.

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On one bright day in the Outlands, everyone has seemed happy as they do their daily duties in a nice way possible. And everyday, Simba is seemed to impressed as the two Outland leaders, Janja and Jasiri is guiding and teaching the Outlanders how to know how the Circle of Life works.

Especially Jasiri that she always wanted something that she didn't knew on her whole leadership life, it was having a tradition that she will endure her.

"Uh...Jasiri?" Mzingo called her as Jasiri snapped herself out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, Mzingo?" Jasiri responded as she turned to face him.

"The morning report?" he inquired.

"Yeah, about that." she nodded as she stood up and goes to the edge of the Outlands.

"Well, the jackals had seemed to be handling out the new ways of living. Same goes for the vultures and hyenas. Except for Kiburi whom he just disagrees on the new ways and he maybe decides to leave the Outlands by a day or two." Mzingo informed her as she nods in every positive information that he spoke.

"That's intresting. Thank you." Jasiri smiled as Mzingo flew away.

Then she looked down on the view of the Out Lands as she endures every creature that she saw passing by.

"Um, Jasiri?" Janja called as he approached her.

"Yeah, Janja, I know it a hundered times now. There's no need to--" she blurted as she turned to him.

"I know." he nodded with a groan.

The two hyenas then walked inside the den as they walked through the lava bridge.

"How's Kion and his family? Did they celebrated a good Christmas last night?" Jasiri asked him as they sat down beside the den's falling lavafall.

"Well, it was fine, yet majestic." he responded. "I'm so glad the Night Pride approached to us. I've just wished you'll just see what they did do."

"Yeah." she nodded and she sighed, felt lost-minded about missing Christmas. "Too bad indeed."

Then silence came along as they looked around in the internior that this den has. Bright yet, homely.

"And come to think of it, Jasiri. Maybe we shall have a holiday that we shall celebrate." he suggested which it makes her eyebrows flew up.

"A holiday? Who says about a holiday?" Jasiri questioned.

"Well, Kion and his family had shown me Christmas a holiday, why do we think that maybe we shall make one up." he inquired as he put his paw unto hers.

"I think that's a good idea, Janja. But having a holiday in the Outlands was my dream since you make me a leader alongside you." she pondered as she imagines a holiday in her head. "But it does take a preparation to do so."

"Then that's why as two of us leaders, we shall create a holiday that we shall endure us on. For something that everyone shall celebrate through year by year." he ordered.

"That way the Outlanders could bond more and introduce to each other even more!" she nodded ethusically. "Yes! Thanks, Janja."

They stood up and they went to the entrance of their den, but they stopped as they knew that they did not know how a holiday works.

"Jasiri?" Janja whispered in a concern tone as he approached her slowly.

"But what holiday we would want to show them?" she questioned him. "Well, we cannot put Christmas or Kupatana in the Outlands. It's not too much greens around here."

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