A Crowned Prince

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Before we start, I'll just wanted for you to know that this one-shot is based on a Disney Channel show, "Elena of Avalor" and Kion was the first born of Simba and Nala. And I'll also gonna use the characters from this photo to be characters in this one shot. And more information on the end of this chapter.

So here was "A Crowned Prince"!

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They say every story has it's own beginning. Expect Kion's story. But his story has two.

His story began one day in the Pridelands where him and Bunga, his best friend were adventuring in the Outlands. Bunga did get caught by the hyenas led by Janja's clan, which they'll gonna eat him for their lunch. Then in one moment, something has happened. He did roared, the loudest roar that everyone could hear. And so, in that same day, he did accepted his destiny as the bearer of The Roar of the Elders, and also being the leader and also it's fiercest member of The Lion Guard.

Everyone cheered for the Prince's victory for chasing off Janja and his hyenas. He felt so proud by himself as well as for his team.

Then suddenly out of the blue, Scar appeared in the form of a spirit then when he appeared in front of his parents infront of Pride Rock. His parents did tried to battle him off but they can't. Scar was too strong. In that end, he killed them by throwing them off on a high cliff, surrounded by the prickling heat of the fire.

Kion was frightened by the time and he decided that he should face Scar on his own. Scar quickly clawed Kion into his nuzzle and he was hurt, initially. He stood up bravely and still with Scar walking closer to him. He smirked ferociously as he faces the fearful cub.

"Look what you did to my parents, Scar!" he yelled. "You killed them. Now you'll get your chance to pay for your crimes."

"Save for that at least, Prince. You'll get the chance to suffer against your death!" Scar snarled.

"Oh I like to see you try." Kion smirked as he getting to a pouncing position. His eyes narrowed to Scar and he snarled angrily into his gaze, then he said, "Bring it on."

Then the fight began. Kion tried his best to defend himself and to make Scar pay for his crimes. He tried his best to suffer himself to live, but, it doesn't even stop there for Kion. Scar laughed viciously at the poor Prince, looking into his eyes with betrayal.

"Long live the Prince!" he murmured evily.

When Scar pushes Kion into a cliff, the same thing that he does to his parents, he falled down to the ground following a few rocks tumbling over and crushing Kion into his head. Blood is everywhere around Kion. He was dead. Scar and his mate, Zira were happy that the Pridelands is once again theirs.

But deep in the cliff, there was Kion, not moving a single stiff nor his breathing is present from his fall. The wind blew on him as the Great Kings of the Past mourned on the Prince's death. But thankfully, his mark glowed and it magically healed his wounds but it faded right after. His breathing is now present but still unconscious from the fall, but you may not know that during the fight, Scar ripped Kion's chest apart before he fell down to the cliff. But his mark did healed it completely.

His friends quickly rushed Kion into the Tree of Life and Rafiki saw Kion with a worried expression on his face. And so he quickly got medical attention then they tried to wake him up. But he does not response to one word.

Everyone grieved for the Prince's state of illness. But Rafiki knows the great solution. Since he noticed that his mark was gone, the Wise Kings of the Past knew who was the next holder of the mark but cannot make a point of who was holding though.

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