Bunga and the King [#TheirForthcomingBeginnings]

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One sunny afternoon in the Pride Lands, Nala and Simba was waiting outside of Pride Rock as they waited for their children to come out.

"Kion? Kiara?" Nala called. "Let's go! We're gonna be late for the elephants' concert."

"You know it's considered an insult if the royal family is not there for the first song." Simba adds as they saw them running towards them.

"Hey! The first song's the best part!" Kion snapped playfully as Kiara bumped him off, which his mane got messed up a bit.

"Kion!" Nala scolds as she approached him and she fixed Kion up.

"Mom, you messing up my mane." Kion muttered as Nala rearranged his mane with her paw. "Don't worry, it's just a little bit of a fixer-upper...and done!"

Kion clumsily stood up as he shooked out his head to shaken up his mane a bit. Kiara stood behind him as she poked her sibling before she run off towards the field.

"Race you there!" shouted Kiara as she broke off into a jog with Kion chasing her down.

"Hey!" he yelled.

"Shall we?" Simba smirked as Nala raised her eyebrow.

"Yes. But we don't need to race." she responded as the royal family begins to travel to Mizimu Grove.

"Kion! Kion!" Ono called suddenly as he approaches the family. "We've got antelopes stuck in a mud pool near Chekundu Cliffs."

"Anyone hurt?" Kion gasped with his brows furrowed.

"No, but they're really stuck." Ono shooked his head. "That big rainstorm last night must've caused a mud slide."

Kion sighed as he looked at his dad. "I'm afraid I'm gonna have to miss the elephants' concert."

"It's okay, Kion. I'm sure the elephants will understand." Simba reassured with a semi-smile.

"And keeping the animals of the Pride Lands safe is your duty." Nala adds as Kion gives her an affirmative nod.

"Right. Thanks." he acknowledged then he faced Ono and they went off to the rescue.

"Stay alert, son! Come on. We still have a concert to go to." Simba smiled as they continued to walk forward.

"Do you think the elephants will do that song with all the really loud trumpeting?" Kiara asked curiously as she began to grin out of excitement.

"They always do the song with the loud trumpeting." Nala said reassuringly. "It's tradition."

"Sometimes I think my greatest duty as King is upholding the Pride Lands' traditions." nods Simba as he looked at his daughter. "And one day, it will be your duty, Princess."

"Well, attending concerts is one duty I know I can handle and--" Kiara said and Simba hushed her as he felt a rumble on the ground.

"Simba? What is it?" Nala asked nervously as she felt the ground shaking underneath her feet. And realizing what might happen, she gaped then she warned her daughter. "Kiara! Move uphill! Now!"

"What? Why?" Kiara said confusedly.

"Sinkhole!" Simba responded as the sinkhole began to break down as they ran towards the clear ground. But Kiara struggled to get out of the edge as her father pushed her off to Nala and he eventually fell into the sinkhole.

"Daddy!" Kiara yelled in shock as she looked beyond the sinkhole alongside Nala.

Meanwhile on Chekundu Cliffs, the Guard was helping the antelopes get free from the sticky mud hole, Bunga heard a rumbling fall as he helped the antelope.

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