Christmas in the Serengeti [#TheirForthcomingBeginnings]

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It was basically a warm day at the Pridelands. Not actually winter, unlikely in the mountains, it was always winter when this holidays came up. The star shines brightly throughout the night and day.

It was indeed Christmas.

A thing that Timon and Pumbaa heard from some of the other creatures which they never heard in the Pridelands. In which Bunga had joined in the fun too. And once they saw the star twinkling in the sky, they officially start to decorate their acacia tree not far from Hakuna Matata falls.

They spent all night just to decorate that acacia tree to look very... holiday-ish. They gathered many gords in many filled colors and they placed them into the tree.

"Jungle smells, jungle smells, jungle all the way, oh what fun--" Timon sang as he decorates the tree.

"Uh, Timon?" ushers Pumbaa. "That's not the way we used to sing that song."

"Oh, come on, Pumbaa. How can you not remember? We sing it every Christmas." Timon nodded as he carries the one last gourd over the last branch on the acacia tree.

"I-I know, but..." stammers Pumbaa.

"There!" Timon smiled in relief. "So, what do you think of our tree?"

"Let's see!" Bunga pondered as him and Pumbaa rushed infront of the tree to see it's beauty.

"Oh, it's beautiful, Timon." Pumbaa said in awe.

"Yeah, Uncle Timon, and I might say, it was perfect." Bunga added with a nod of his head.

"Almost perfect. We still need the star fruit for the top of the tree." Timon said as he points up to the top of the acacia tree, where he might put the "star" fruit on top of it.

And swiftly, Bunga quickly grabbed the star fruits on the ground then he climbed up into one of the branches.

"Here you go." Bunga said and he tossed the star fruit to Timon.

"Thanks, Bunga." he acknowledged then he climbed up to the top then he splitted the star in half. "Now for the piece de resistance!" he smirked then he placed the star on the little branch that was sticking out, making the star stayed in place. "There, all done."

"Now it's perfect!" Bunga smiled at him.

And as Timon tried to get down, the branch suddenly broke down and Timon fell straight. Bunga tries to catch him but he missed. Thankfully, Beshte the hippo rushes to the rescue and Timon landed safely on his back.

"Thanks, Beshte." groaned Timon as he slides off from him.

"We heard you shouting. Good thing we were close by." Kion said as he approaches alongside Fuli and Ono with a confused look on their face.

"Why were you in that tree, anyway?" asked Ono.

"And why are there gourds hanging all over it?" Fuli adds, still confused at the moment.

"Because it's a Christmas tree." Bunga responded then he points to the star in the sky. "See that big star up there? That means tomorrow is Christmas."

All of his friends looked up into the sky and indeed they saw it. The star twinkled and shone even in the daylight.

"Poa." Beshte mused in awe. Then asked, "Uh, what's Christmas?"

"What's Christmas?!" Timon and Pumbaa gasped unsurprisingly.

"It is a holiday that my uncles made up." Bunga responded.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. We did not make those up." Timon said, un- quite serious about making that holiday up.

"Timon's right." Pumbaa agreed. "We heard it from an ox, we heard it from a yellow wagtail, we heard it from a flying reindeer."

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