The Greatest Sacrifice

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Sequel to "Standing For a Cause"

After Adia told them her plan, they took action quickly.

Fuli, Hatari, Bunga and Ona went to the Backlands to see how all the other herds had been staying, besides in Scar's tragic rule.

They told them about Adia's plan: to rally up the herds to stop Scar from ruling.

Meanwhile, Kion, Adia, Kiara and Kovu heads back to Pride Rock, to save Adia's parents and to save Zazu.

They stepped on the ground quietly, to make sure that not any hyena can hear them pass by. Then Zazu flew into them, and he landed on Kion's back.

They walked until they reached the inner most cave, where Adia's family is stuck in a vine of ropes that was tied into their legs. She quickly approached her family with worry then she quickly clawed over the rope then it snapped partly.

Kion helped her to free her parents as well. And when all the ropes had been snapped, she felt delighted.

Her parents quickly approached her with a welcoming embrace.

"Are you alright?" she asked them.

"We're fine, sweetheart." Vitani responded.

"Yeah, that Scar was so devistated." Kopa murmured, clawing into the dirt.

"And I believe that so. He killed my family on the day that I accepted my royal destiny!" Kion protests. Then he calmly said in a apologetic tone, "And still, I do really apologize on all the things that he has done to you."

"It's okay, your majesty. I know that our place back there was so amazing. We never talked about moving and welcoming into your pride." Vitani bitterly confessed. "Or what I meant was, we been traveling from land to land just to get here. We enjoyed staying at our old place, but living here in the Pridelands... All that we could imagine was a happy and peaceful land and we did came for just a fatuous disaster."

"Calm down, honey." Kopa cooed. "I know that everything had happened had shocked you. But it is okay to feel scared."

"I know." she muttered tearfully.

"Don't worry, mom. Me and Kion will save the Pridelands, even though things will fell down to peices." Adia mused confidently. "We will make sure every thing is gonna be sucessful. We will be free once this was all done. Promise me that."

"I promise you." her mother nodded and she nuzzled her.

"You too, dad. But right now, you two head to the lair." she scoffed as she escorts her parents but she was stopped when her dad defended her way.

"No, sweetie. We wanna help." her dad said.

"But it's not--" she began but she was cut off by Kovu.

"We can use all the help we can get. And besides, they can join the rally." he said.

"I think Prince Kovu is right, Adia. We need all the help we can get." Kion added with a smirk.

Adia nodded agressively in response.

"Right." she said. "Come on!"

"Hold it right there!" Hatari called as he approaches Adia alongside his friends. "You might use a little pep up before heading to the battlefield!"

"Thanks!" she nodded then Kion approached her by her side then together they lead their pride out to rally out the Pridelanders.

Ono and Ona flew to the skies and they called them loudly as they can.

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