Return of The Roar [#TheirForthcomingBeginnings]

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As the sun rises beneath Pride Rock, King Simba and Princess Kiara has watching the sun rise up.

She fixed her head into his as he gives her some sagely advice about ruling the Pridelands.

"Everything the light touches is part of our kingdom. The Pride Lands." Simba said as he looks into his daughter. "Ruling it is a big responsibility, Kiara. And someday, when you're queen..."

"Heads up!" someone shouts. "Incoming!"

They looked up and the baobab fruit had bumped into Simba's head as he grunted in shock. Soon, a lion cub runs in from behind them to get the baobab fruit.

"Kion!" Kiara shouted.

"Oh." he chuckled as he faces them with a slight of a smirk. "Sorry, Dad. Me and Bunga were playing Baobab Ball..."

"And Kion couldn't handle the pass!" Bunga, Kion's best friend squrimed as he approached him with a laugh.

"What?" he jerked his face into him as he approaches him with a hard bump. "A giraffe couldn't handle it. You kicked it over my head!"

"Kion!" Simba scowled.

"And you couldn't handle it!" Bunga smirked as he grabbed the baobab ball and he playfully threw it off to his hand.

"Bunga..." Simba muttered.

"Yeah? Try to handle this!" he dared Bunga as he pounced him playfully.

They grunted off as they try to tuggle on the ball whlist Kiara was annoyed to. She gave them an annoying sigh as they continued playing.

"Boys!" Simba called as he pulled Bunga away from him.

Kion gave him a semi-smile at him as his dad looked at him with a slight stare.

"Kion, I need to talk to your sister." he told him. "She'll be tracking gazelles with her friends today."

"Because I'm training to be..." Kiara started.

"Queen of the Pride Lands. Yeah, yeah." he finished his sister's sentence. "I know all about it, Kiara."

"Least I have my life figured out. What are you gonna grow up to be, little brother?" she scoffed as she looks at him with a annoying look.

"A king, maybe?" he responded.

"Huh, never doubt that." she smirked at him. "At least you've haven't discovered your destiny yet, don't you, Kion?"

"Hmph." he groaned as he rolled his eyes on her.

"All right you two, that's enough." he spoke as he turned to his son again. "Kion, why don't you and Bunga go play somewhere else?"

"Yeah! I know the perfect place!" he grinned as he runs into the edge of Pride Rock and he raised the baobab fruit up high then he shouted, "Hey, Kion!"

"You'll never get the baobab fruit, no." he said in a sing-song voice.

"Ha! You got nowhere to go, Bunga!" he playfully scowled as cornered him around.

"Says you! Zuka Zama!" he laughed as he threw the baoaba and jumped off the cliff from Pride Rock and he covered himself off before he lands into a tree safely. "Catch me if you can, Kion!"

He catched the baobab fruit off his hands before he runs off.

"Game on, Bunga!" he laughingly responded before he runs ahead to him. "Later, Dad. Have fun tracking those gazelle, Kiara. I gotta get Bunga!"

"I can't believe we're related." Kiara sighed as she rolled her eyes at her brother's behavior.

"Kion will grow up someday." he pondered. "I hope."

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