Destined to Lead [#TheirForthcomingBeginnings]

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Prequel of "Return of the Roar" in Kion's point of view.

One night in the Pride Lands, I was standing on the edge of Pride Rock, just basically looking at the stars above me and maybe counting them, no matter how many they were.

Lately, I had these dreams that I've never knew that I was remising my memory with my friends saving a egg from the hyenas. I was very proud at myself back then, and now, there were still questions that I needed to answer.

I tilted my head in confusement as I stared at the twinkling stars that shone across the night sky. They were beautiful yet, thrilling. As if you were pretending to form a constellations in your mind, you drew with them. And at the opposite side, I knew what those stars mean. The Great Kings of the Past.

They shone down above us. They looked down beyond us to guide us in whatever we seek for adventure. And sometimes, I did wished that there was something more than just the stars. Just right above them.

As I knew, it was just a plain old black sky. Odd, right? But actually whenever I looked at them, I seen a future that was waiting for me out there, like my dreams. And what if they will become a reality? What if I could lead the whole land by my paws?

But seriously, if I could lead, what else lies beneath my fate? Or better yet, destiny. Destiny might refine me on everything. But I don't know what that word meant.

I sighed and just stared at the night sky again as my tail began to slowly wag along through the wind.

And a few minutes had past, I finally stood up and went back to the den where my parents, my sister and the whole pride were actually sleeping. I was the only one who was awake, always.

I twirled around and layed down as my closed my eyes and began to drift off to sleep.

When my opened my eyes to a sudden gasp, I saw the sun shining above the entrance of the cave. I was alone in the den, maybe my parents and my sister were off for a hunt today. Typical.

I walked outside the den and I saw my parents standing up beyond me. It was werid seeing them as I walked towards them. I gave them a smile on my face as I nuzzled them.

"Good morning, Kion!" my dad greeted as I gave him a firm nod.

Then suddenly, my friends came along and they were together. Bunga, Ono, Beshte and Fuli. My best friends, my everything.

"Hey, Kion! Good morning!" Bunga greeted in a deep voice. Odd. He does look older than now.

When I looked at them real close, I saw them and they're really older than me. Beshte was almost identical as he was now. He has grey-ish blue tuft of hair and Bunga, his back mane was usually longer.

"Come on, we need get to patrol." Fuli reminded us as we head off to our daily patrol. As typically always. But still confused, why we are taking daily patrols? Are we going on a mission somehow?

We rescued many animals as the day goes by, not even stopping our job at mid-afternoon. And once all the patrol is done, we walked inside on this nice cave filled with paintings, memories and yet, a soft spot to call it home.

It was thrilling to see this place. But why I was here? Do they know this place for a long time? Why they didn't tell me this at the first place?

Then I went to this large pond that's inside the cave then I saw my reflection in the water. I gasped as I saw what I looked like now.

My mane was actually longer and two thick strands were draping on my face, but most importantly, my nose was in dark brown now.

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