Fuli's New Family [#TheirForthcomingBeginnings]

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It's an another sunny but a bit cloudy at the Pride Lands as the Lion Guard continues to patrol the whole land.

The buffalos ran into the muddy path which they got stuck in but the Guard rushed to the rescue as Kion ran against the herd.

"Ono's found dry ground." Kion called his team as they ran and they guided the buffalos out of the muddy path. "We gotta round up the buffalo and guide them over there fast!"

"Nobody does fast better than me. Huwezi!" Fuli smirked as she runs fast through the buffalos.

"Beshte! Bunga! That last one's yours over there!" Kion called Beshte and Bunga as he pointed to the stuck buffalo whom he doesn't seemed to get out of the mud.

"You got it, Kion!" Beshte responded quirkly as they went to the buffalo and Beshte pushed him off as Bunga tugged him into the tusks. And once Beshte finally lifted the buffalo out, Bunga flipped out into the bush and he gave out a big "Yowch!" when he jumped out into the bush.

"Bunga, are you okay?" Kion asked him as he approached him in concern.

"Something bit me." he responded then he pointed to the cobra as he hissed off viciously. "And it was him."

"We did it, Kion! The buffalo are all safe and... sound?" Ono faltered as he looked at the cobra with a shriek. "Hapana! Egyptian cobra! Whatever you do, don't let him bite you."

"He already did." Bunga winced as the Guard gasped in shock. Besthe looked at the cobra as he approaches him.

"Hey, Ushari? Why did you do that?" he asked the cobra.

"He landed on my head, Beshte." he hissed as he slithered back into the bush. "He's lucky I only bit him once!"

"He's got a point." Bunga agreed as he checked his bottom. "Wonder if he left a mark."

"You don't understand!" Ono panicked as he approached Bunga. "That snake, his bite is venomous."

"You mean it did leave a mark?"

"I mean, his bite is poison!" he exclaimed in panic as the Guard gasped in shock.

"Poison? That's not good." Bunga trembled nervously as he began to breath fast. "That's bad, that's bad. And that means... That means... That means I'm a goner!"

Kion catched Bunga up as he fell down unconsciously.

"Hapana! The venom's hit his system! We need to suck the poison out quick!" Ono shrieked out as he began to peck Bunga to wake him out.

"Ono!" Fuli scolds.

"Don't worry, we'll take him to Rafiki. Ono, have Timon and Pumbaa meet us at Rafiki's tree." Kion commanded him as he gave him an affirmative nod before he took flight to Hakuna Matata Falls.

"Alright. Who's gonna lift him up to Rafiki's?" he then asked Fuli and Beshte as they looked at each other with slight belief then Fuli and Kion worked together to lift Bunga into Beshte's back before they went off.

When they arrived at the baobab tree where Rafiki was, Timon and Pumbaa rushed in to see Bunga, whom he was still sleeping unconsciously.

"Bunga! The bird said a snake bit ya on the bottom." Timon yelped.

"Oh! Say it ain't so!" Pumbaa chimed in as Ono approaches him and he checks on him.

"It's so, Pumbaa and--" he started as the two broke down crying.

"Timon, Pumbaa, calm down. I'm sure Rafiki..." Kion said as he calmed down Timon and Pumbaa.

"Rafiki? What's he gonna do?" Pumbaa frowned as Rafiki swung in carrying his fruits over.

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