Chapter One

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Samantha woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon sizzling in the pan. The sun was ever so slightly peaking through her bedroom window. Getting out of bed she grabbed her favorite blanket and wrapped it around herself and began walking down stairs. Living in the penthouse room of Stark Towers always suited Sam well. She looked back at her ever changing room, fondly remembering her and her dad playing with dolls on her bedroom floor.  Or remembering how, in elementary school, she had decorated her room with posters of every music group that showed up on Disney Channel. Whatever she was into in that moment her dad made sure she had everything to show it. Now being a junior in high school her room had very few posters on the wall and there was not a single doll in sight. Turning away from her room she started down the long stairs to the kitchen. In the kitchen she is surprised to see  her ever smiling uncle. Steve Rodgers, catching the eye of Samantha states “Up before noon? That's a new one!” Laughing Sam throws back “You know, waking up at noon is a staple of children being homeschooled.” Steve smiled and said, “That and the fact that you have developed your father's sleeping habits,” while setting the pancakes down in front of her. “Thanks uncle Steve, hey by the way where is the old man?” Sam inquired. Walking away not even turning to look back at Samantha he says “Where he always is, I will be back bye Sammy." Sam supposed he was off to his daily run. She finished her pancakes and marched down stairs to check on her dad. Not to her surprise she found him in his lab, asleep over his computer with a half empty glass of whisky. “Dad” she called sweetly to her sleeping father and, after no response calls again “Daddy!” Again not budging, she decided to go with the only tactics she could possibly think of “FRIDAY be a doll and wake dad up,” the A.I immediately sounded an air horn. Tony frantic, jumped clear out of his chair, scared awake by the noise. “You know I ought to ground you for that,” he said though a laugh. Sam pulled her dad in for a hug, while he explained that he was up late working on a top secret project. “I thought I was your lab partner, shouldn't I get to know?” Sam was smiling, but used a whining tone to her father. “Munchkin, this one is too dangerous to involve you, just trust me okay." Sam rolled her eyes getting ready to fight back, but was stopped right in her tracks when her dad gave her the look. “How about instead of worrying what I was up to you head down stairs and manage the front desk for a while, work on your school work. FRIDAY reminded me you have a geometry final coming up so you need to hit those books,” she promptly kissed her dad on the cheek and headed down the stairs. Sam, being Iron Man's one and only child had its advantages. She had the Avengers as aunts and uncles, her dad could practically make her anything she could ever want and what he couldn't make he could definitely afford, and she got to live in the giant stark towers with her best friend, her dad. And on top of it all she got to hear about the missions her dad and the Avengers went on. However, it had a lot of disadvantages as well. Sam was never allowed to leave the house unless it was with her dad or her dads assistant Mr. Happy. They were never to be spotted in high profile places, she wasn't allowed to have social media and she was ABSOLUTELY not allowed to attend public school. No one knew she even existed outside of Stark Tower, and Sam was completely friendless. They were recently getting into arguments about how she couldn't have a job. Her dad would always tell her she didn't need money and that she couldn't be seen. Sam couldn't help but hear static when her dad would say these things to her and insisted she needed a job to build social skills. Finally her and her dad came to an agreement that she would act as Stark Towers receptionist for a few hours every Thursday. But like most things this came with rules, she could hear her father's voice in her head as she sat at the front desk. “As soon as you see someone come through that door you check them in, make minimal conversation, don't ask questions, and don't tell anyone your real name.” She could only assume this was all part of her dads plan to keep her safe forever. It's not like anyone ever came through the front doors anyway. The occasional fan wanting autographs, one of the many Avengers coming home from outings  and missions and pizza delivery guys and of course her dads long term on again off again fling Pepper. Pepper wasn't always a nuisance in Sam's life but secretly she wished she wouldn't be with her dad. She could not stand the thought of her dad ever remarrying or being with someone else. She liked the idea of her and her dad being each others pals and nothing interfering with that. Sam also had no concept of love. Sure just like any other teenage girl she had seen movies like The Notebook but not ever having been in those situations to even like someone she didn't really know what it was besides of course loving her family. She pondered about how many times she would see Pepper for a brief moment to check her in, just to check her out a hour later with her hair slightly out of place. Shaking the gross thought of what Pepper and her dad might do in that hour she decided she would crack open her geometry book and get to studying. Being Tony Stark's daughter meant she was done studying in a matter of an hour and spent the rest of her day playing solitaire on the front desk computer until something interesting happened. Steve coming back from his run, boring. Soccer mom, typical, boring. Natasha coming back from her training boring. Her dad sending pizza to the front desk, definitely cheesy, definitely delicious, but again boring. Nothing was happening as usual, same old same old. After about what felt like her twentieth game of solitaire that day she thought she had seen a figure outside the door, when she looked back up there was nothing. Odd maybe she needed to put her glasses on. Putting them on she then realized that she had, in fact, seen someone but they were hiding behind a bush. “HEY STOP PLAYING EITHER YOU'RE COMING IN OR YOUR NOT,” she saw the young figure run back in front of the door. She shouted again “IF THIS IS A PRANK I AM CALLING MR. STARK DOWN IMMEDIATELY”. The figure slowly started to inch their way towards the door. Slowly she began to recognize that the figure was male. He was tall with shaggy brown hair slightly styled back away from his eyes which she could tell were a light shade of blue,  and she assumed around her age. “Hi I am Stacy, Stark Towers receptionist do you have an appointment?” She booted up the check in system then looked up from the computer her eyes meeting his. She suddenly felt different like her world shifted her heart leapt as he smiled and said “Yeah I do with Tony, I am here for a um.. School project!”. She swallowed hard why am I nervous she thought to herself he is just a boy. “Mr. Stark is a busy man he doesn't typically do school work with kids, gotta name I can look up?” Sam could feel her cheeks getting red the more she talked to him and her chest began to tighten “Uh yeah, Peter, Peter Parker.”

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