Chapter Fifteen

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Spider-Man was trying his best, but Doc Oc was really giving everything back to him. "Aren't you a little too old to be in high school?" Peter grunted, while dodging one of Doc Oc's arms. "And you're a little young to be a superhero' but I don't judge," Oc replied back going in for another attack. Peter grabbed the arm and holding it open above his head. "This would be cool if you weren't trying to kill me," Peter said before Oc immediately used one of the other three available arms to pick him up and throw him clear across the hall. "You should have stayed out of my business kid," Oc called to Spider-Man, who was propped up against the wall. "Ah who are you kidding Spidey? All I have to do is squish you like the bug you are," Oc said as he made his way down the hall to completely crush him with his robot arm. "Yo, Mr. Krabs" a voice yelled at Oc, it was Iron Man, and he distracted Oc completely from Spider-Man. "Leave the kid alone, come get me I'm the one you want anyway, right?" Doc Oc turned around, allowing time for Peter to regroup, and started towards Tony. "Not you exactly, but your little girl," Oc stated letting out a slight laugh. "If you're talking about Pepper, I am sure your not her type," Tony said trying to act like he didn't know who we was talking about. "Tony don't play dumb with me, we both know who I am talking about," Oc said going in to attack Tony with his large arms. "And trust me your not her type either," Peter said as he webbed his claws together making them unable to move for a moment. Peter was ecstatic, until Oc broke free, he grabbed Spider-Man and brought him close to his face. "Ah, so the itsy bitsy spider has a thing for Iron Man's kid, huh? Where is she?" Oc screamed in Peters face. "Probably hiding from your terrible breath, ever thought about using mints?" Peter instantly regretted his joke when he was thrown against the wall again. Tony began to send blasts in Oc's direction, hoping that this guy would back down at some point, but he just kept pushing. He was dodging every shot Tony had with his robot arms. Tony was becoming tired and didn't know how he was still fighting. Perhaps it was the way this guy spoke about how he wanted to hurt his kid, or the way he hurt the Peter, but his adrenaline was running on high. But just then he heard police sirens. "I believe they're here for you Dr. Jekyll" Tony said catching Oc off guard long enough to blast him down on the ground. Tony then flew over to Peter to check and make sure he was okay. "What happened to knocking this guys block of kid?" Tony joked to a tired out Peter. "He's really smart sir, like a total Agent Smith, all techy and everything," Peter said still trying to catch his breath. "Is that all you do kid, speak in movie references?" Tony said helping the kid off the ground. Once off the ground they turned to see the police entering the empty building, "Where is that freak, Stark?" The chief called out to him. "He was right there, he couldn't have gotten too far without being noticed, given the whole big metal arm thing," Tony said he was getting ready to blast off to look, before remembering that Peter was still hurt and standing next to him. "And you need to go home" he said in a fatherly tone to Peter. "Sir," Peter called out but Tony had already blasted off to find Doc Oc. Peter rolled his eyes under his mask and decided he would start heading back to his apartment, that's when his phone started to ring, "Are you okay?" A spastic Sam screamed over the line. "Sammy I.." Peter started, trying to reassure her before she interrupted him with worry. "I was watching you on the news, some kid got footage on their phone, I saw him throw you threw that hall and hit the wall, and I just wanted to make sure because it looked really hard and I just.." Peter interrupted Sam with enduring laughter. "Sammy I will send you a selfie, physical proof that I am okay, alright?"  Peter said finding Sam's worry kinda sweet. Though he knew Tony cared about him he wasn't used to being worried about. Having someone being worried about him was relaxing in a strange way, it also helped that the person worrying was as cute as Sam. "I just don't want to lose you, Peter. You're my one okay?" Sam said trying to calm her voice. Peter thought back to their conversation on the rooftop from hours ago. Where he told Sam she only needed one person. Smiling at her response he responded back "And you're my one too. I gotta get going, I'll send you that picture, okay? See ya." Peter said. "Bye Pete," Sam said, although he couldn't see her, Peter could tell she was smiling as she spoke. He hung up the phone and opened his camera, went on top of the building and took a selfie holding up a peace sign. In the background was the destroyed halls of Midtown. He texted Sam the photo with the caption It's been a hard day's night, and I've been working like a dog…or rather an insect. He closed his phone, tucked it away into his suit and began to swing back to his apartment. He crawled through the window, happy to see his bedroom door was already closed and traded his Spidey suit for sweat pants and an old baggy shirt. He laid down on his bed and pretended to be sick as he could hear May coming back to check on him. Just in the nick of time, he thought to himself, as she opened his door. "Oh you poor thing, you look terrible," May said to peter. "Gee thanks May, and here I thought I looked like a Calvin Klein model." Peter said joking to his aunt, yet still trying to sound sick. "You're fever has broke," she said feeling his forehead. "Are you feeling any better?" May questioned. "A little," Peter said adding a convincing cough at the end of his sentence. "Peter, what did you do to your arm?" May asked noticing the bruise on his right arm. "Uh must have hit it on the bedpost while I was sleeping," Peter said trying not to sound like a liar. "Well try to sleep less recklessly, I will bring you some soup" she said smiling at Peter and heading towards the door. "Thanks May," Peter called back to her. After Peter heard her walk down the hall he took his phone back out to see he had a text from Sam. "Very cute," it read "I respect the Beatles reference btw, dad still isn't home so I am bored. I hope you made it home okay peter :)"  He smiled as he finished reading her text. If she was any other girl she wouldn't give him the time of day. But Sam was different, and though she still thought he was a dork, she liked it, because she was too. She was perfect. "I thought you would, I like listening to them when I sling through the air, and I did make it home safe. And when I am bored I like to listen to music it makes me feel like I am doing something," he texted back. Recently every song reminded him of Sam. But there was one in particular he had been listening to that really made him think about just how lucky he was to have her in his life. He picked his phone back up, after feeling it buzz. "And what would you recommend I listen too bug boy?" Sam texted back. He paused, thinking for a moment that it might be cheesy to send her a song, but threw the notion out the window and did it anyway. "Easy, listen to La Belle Fleur Sauvage, it puts me in a relaxed mood because it makes me think about you :) gonna go eat dinner. Talk to you later Sammy." After sending the message, Peter turned the song on himself and put his ear buds in his ears. He listened to the lovely song as he ate the soup May made for him, and thought about how he too was changed the first time he gazed upon Sam.

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