Chapter Thirty-Four

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Sam woke up the next morning around noon and couldn't make herself get out of bed right away. She realized that her face was still damp, so she pulled her sheet up slightly to wipe her face. She sat up a little bit and thought back to yesterday, still not fully comprehending what had happened. She slowly picked up her phone to see that she had a text from Peter. “Hey, I hope you're okay I didn't really hear from you much yesterday. But I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? Ned and I are going to play some video games. But I miss you and I love you!” Sam didn't smile when she saw the text, how was she going to explain to him what happened between her and her dad? Or whatever Tony was now, her dad, her kidnapper? She would admit calling him Tony was a little harsh, but calling him dad just didn't feel right anymore. Though she was sad, she figured that there was no need to wallow in it. She could go hang out with Peter and at least get her mind off her crazy life for a few hours. She decided to pull herself out of bed and shower. Once she was out she did not feel like doing anything to her hair so she decided to just let it dry out naturally. She looked in her closet and pulled out a random shirt that had NASA written on it. She frowned, looking at the shirt. Tony had gotten it for her from the Kennedy Center. She started becoming emotional, remembering when she got it. Tony had to go there for a seminar, she wanted to go but due to the way Tony was about keeping her safe, she obviously did not accompany him there. Sam took this trip particularly hard, because it was coming close to the anniversary of her mom's death and who she thought was her father wouldn't be there to keep her company. “I have to go Sam, I know it's tough but it’s part of the job,” Tony tried to explain to her. “And I don't understand why I couldn't just go and pose as a kid listening to the famous Tony Stark speak, or a student there on a field trip,” Sam whined back. Tony stared back at her and offered her a weak smile. “It’s just too dangerous munchkin.” Sam remembered that Tony left her with Steve and not even he could cheer her up.  When Tony finally came home he realized how hurt Sam had been, being left alone in such an emotional time. Although it didn't make up for it, Tony had given her the shirt, that way she knew he was thinking about her. He also promised to her that day, that he would never schedule meetings around that time ever again. But now, thinking back on that, she wondered if that was even really the day her mom died. She began to feel tense and tossed the shirt back into her closet rather aggressively. She paused for a moment calming herself down before she pulled down one of her favorite shirts, which was her "Shining" shirt that had Danny on it covering his eyes during the iconic “Come play with us” scene. She took one look in the mirror, took a deep breath in, and slowly breathed out. She began to tell herself that everything would be okay, as she was still emotional, then picked up her phone to text Peter back. “Hey I love you too and miss you and your smile :) I am okay I just got busy yesterday, I would love to hang out with you and Ned meet you in like 30 min?” She read back over the message and sent it, clarifying that everything sounded right. She waited for a few minutes and finally got a text back that read, “Sweet! See you then Sammy!” Reading the message from her sweet boyfriend, is when she finally allowed herself to smile. Her life may be a little bit more than upside down at the moment, but at least she had Peter. She agreed with herself however, that she would not tell him about anything that happened the day before. Not even about target practice. Sure Sam wanted nothing more than to brag to Peter that she was a better shot than him, but after everything fell apart yesterday she assumed that Tony would forget all about the idea of their joint practice. That and Sam didn't want to remember how cool the suit had been, she gave it up for the soul purpose of not wanting anything that reminded her of Tony. She pushed all these thoughts out of her head and cleared her mind and began to make her way downstairs. Steve had seemingly left for his run already, but to Sams surprise he had not made her breakfast, or even put something in the fridge for her for when she woke up. Looking around she saw Tony sitting on the couch. He looked really rough, and hadn't realized that Sam was in the room, or so she thought. She began to make her way to the elevator before she heard a  chilling tone of voice come from the couch. “So, you're just going to leave without telling me now?” Sam sighed and turned around and made her way to the living room. She remained standing as she spoke to Tony, "I am going to see Peter.” Tony shook his head. Normally he wouldn't have let her, but Tony thought if he had any chance in repairing their relationship, he better not push his luck. “Let Happy take you instead of trying to take an uber, at least, please,” he said, looking into her brown eyes. Sam shook her head and turned to walk away before mustering up the courage to speak. “I'm sorry for calling you Tony, that was wrong and I won't do it anymore.” Tony just shook his head as he listened to Sam speak. "I would also like to see my papers.” Tony's heart stopped. “What do you mean?” He could not believe what Sam had said. “I want to see my papers, learn who I really am, and maybe even meet my real father.” Tony's mood shifted and was immediately consumed with anger, and frustration. “No," is all he could say. Sam laughed at him sarcastically. “Seriously?” Tony stood up to face her “You're still my child, whether you care to admit it or not, the paperwork doesn't matter.” He looked at her and realized her eyes began to water. “I love you Sam and I know you're hurting and confused right now, but I am not giving you those papers.” He watched Sam's eyes, those beautiful golden eyes, filled with so much sorrow. Then she turned around and walked straight to the elevator. Tony continued to watch her until the elevator doors blocked her from his sight. He had hurt her so much already, and yet he still couldn't bear to give her that paperwork. Not because of her want of seeing her biological father, that didn't matter. He wanted to save her from meeting the man that walked away from her. To save her more heartache when he walks away again, shutting the door in her face. Maybe that made him selfish, but one thing was for sure, he was going to spend the rest of his life making it up to Sam. And step one is not allowing her heart to get broken anymore.

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