Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Sam jumped into the shower putting her music on shuffle. She was so happy that she found herself singing. After she was finished she continued to listen to music as she got ready for the day. She stood in her closet and searched for the right outfit. She pulled out a nice red dress. The dress slightly clung to her figure, but still flowed out at the end and had a high neckline with no sleeves, as well as a lace design with flowers stitched on top of a silky material. It was a dress she had gotten for her birthday two years ago and it still fit perfectly. She looked in the mirror after having put it on and remarked on the way she looked. Sam didn't have much to compare to; having never gone to public school or went out much, but normally she was pretty confident. However, just like their first date building the lego Death Star, she wondered if what she had on was okay. She began to talk to herself in the mirror. “Come on Sam, you are being ridiculous.”  She grabbed some styling gel for her hair and began to comb it through her messy curls. After her hair settled she took her bangs and pinned them back out of her face like she always does. She started to do her makeup before she remembered that she still hadn't talked to Peter. She grabbed her phone and paused her music. She decided that a phone call would be the quickest way to get a hold of him, over the typical text. “Hey, Parker,” Sam said smiling through her words. “Hey Sammy, what's up?” Sam began blushing. She was nervous because of course Peter could always say no. “Well, Pepper is cooking dinner, and I already asked but I was wondering if you wanted to come over?” Peter fell silent on the other line. “Peter are you still there?” Peter was instantly snapped back into the conversation, “Yeah, uh sorry.” Sam waited for him to answer her question, after a while of no response Sam repeated her question. “So would you want to come over for dinner, Pete?” Nervousness took over Peter “Yes, yes of course!” He screamed to Sam over the phone. “Great, I will see you sometime around six?” Sam said getting even more gitty by the second. “Sounds good I will uh….swing over,” Peter tried to joke to make himself feel better and was failing miserably. But much to his delight Sam found the joke funny and giggled on the other line. “Sounds good, I love you,” Sam said. Peter managed to choke out a nice and simple “I love you too, Sam,” before Sam hung the phone up. Once Peter was no longer on the line she squealed with delight in her room. She started to put her makeup on again. Simple foundation, some blush, and mascara was all she really needed. She wanted to still look as natural as possible. After she was finished, she made her way back downstairs were Tony was sitting on the couch. As Sam made it around to the living room, she saw that Tony still looked pretty nervous about something. “Worried about Peter coming over?” Sam questioned. Tony slightly looked up to stare back at Sams golden brown eyes, “No, just thinking...” He allowed his words to drift off a bit before Sam filled the space were he left off. “Thinking about what?” Tony took a deep breath in and then let it out, still allowing for a long pause in between his words, “I don't want you to see that file, the one with your biological fathers information in it.” Sam began to feel her body tense, but was trying her best to not get angry at Tony. He continued, “But, I also don't want you to have to wonder about what part of your life is real, and what isn't.” Sam's body tension began to loosen as she really understood what Tony was saying. “So maybe we can start with three questions a day... Within reason of course.” Sam wasn't too sure about  the idea of playing a toned down game of twenty questions. But Tony was at least trying to understand how she felt, and if he could do that she could play along. She took a deep breath and sat down next to him on the couch. “I like that idea,” Sam said offering Tony a small smile. “First question,” she said to alert Tony to the fact that she was ready to start. “The pictures that you would show me of my mom when I was little, are those real?” Tony smiled and looked at Sam, “Actually yes, when I met with your biological father he just handed me a folder with everything in it, and signed the necessary documents and left.” Sam was listening intensely, allowing every word to soak into her skull. “When I opened the folder, he had put a few pictures of your mom in there, so I got them framed and had them up and around the tower so you could see them.” Sam smiled upon hearing this. Though the situation was far from a happy one, at least Sam knew that the image she grew up seeing was a real one. “Next question,” Sam stated again “Do all the other guys know too, or just Nat and Steve?” Tony instantly answered this one. It was a easy enough question, “They all know, they have always known. Steve and Bruce always tried to convince me to tell you the truth, but I just couldn't bring myself to tell you.” Sam frowned listening to these words. “Nat and Clint always said it never mattered, Clint being more open about his opinion.” Sam let the truth hit her, not only did Tony lie to her, but so did everyone she ever grew up with. “In fact,” Tony said starting back up to fill in the silence. “There was one time during one of your birthdays, were Steve almost told you himself.” Sam scrunched up her face. "Remember when you had that allergic reaction to being stung by that wasp?” Tony asked Sam, who nodded. She thought back to that birthday, and remembered that they cooked out on the party deck that year, and she had gotten stung by a very large wasp. After being stung she immediately began to puff up and swell. Tony was lucky that he had professional medical service in the tower, so he didn't have to take her to a hospital and risk anyone seeing her. “Well, I'm not allergic to wasp stings, but according to the medical records your mom was, Steve was so angry with me not telling you that he wanted to tell you then. He said I was putting you in danger by not telling you.” Tony again drifted off allowing his words to become non existent, before finding the strength to talk again, “He of course was right. Him and his perfect teeth.” Sam took a deep breath. There was a lot to process. She had wondered how many times someone had wanted to tell her and just didn't, because Tony held them back. “You get one more question for the day,” Tony said holding back the emotion he was feeling. Sam was becoming overwhelmed. “Do you really love me like your own?” She asked hiding her face from Tony. Tony sat straight up on the couch. “Why would you ask that?” Sam thought her reasoning was obvious, but regardless explained it to him anyway, still keeping her face down. “I'm not really yours, you have always known that. How could you possibly love someone elses kid knowing that they are not yours, and still go on like its normal?” Tony smiled. “Because, despite you not having my blood in your veins, you are my kid. You act like me, look like me oddly enough.” Sam slightly smiled at that comment. “I have raised you and done everything and more for you, and I always will until the day I am no longer here.” Sam hugged him tightly and Tony calmly and finally, answered her question. “Of course I love you kid, and I always will.”

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