Chapter Sixteen

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Back at Stark Tower, Sam laid down on her bed and listened to the lyrics of the song and just smiled. She couldn't believe that Peter really felt this way about her. It made her almost kind of scared, because people always had the option to leave. Let's face it Sam was completely smitten and Peter and hers relationship showed no signs of slowing down. So, while she was happy at the thought of such a sweet guy being her boyfriend, she was still afraid of losing him. That and today was really weird, she didn't lead on but she knew Peter totally lied to her about the teacher work day. All of her thoughts were pushed to the back off her head when she heard the sound of her door opening. It was her dad. He was sweating and tired but smiled at her nevertheless. "Hey kiddo sorry about being gone all day," he said sitting next to her on the bed. "Oh that's okay, it's your job," Sam said back to him. Tony could tell something was up with her. "What's wrong munchkin?" Tony questioned. "It's nothing" Sam lied, her mind still thinking about why Peter would lie to her. "You want to make nothing better with some cheeseburgers?" Sam smiled, her dad always knew how to make her feel better. "Always!" Sam said as Tony got up from her bed, she looked at him and said "I will be down in one minute, girl stuff," Sam lied to get her father out of her room. Not to her surprise it worked as her dad looked at her and made a disgusted face and left the room. Slightly giggling to herself she pulled out her phone and took a long deep breath. She didn't know whether or not to approach this lie angry or just genuinely concerned. She typed three different variations of the same message before she decided on what she was really gonna say for sure. "I love the song! The sentiment is nice and it made me smile." She started a new message and continued, "However, I got to thinking and if there was a teacher work day, why were there kids at the school? I know you probably have your reasons, being a superhero and all, but it really hurts my feelings when I am lied too." She finished and sent the text and frowned. Though she could understand, she just wished he could tell her the truth. She decided to push it from her mind and get ready to eat cheeseburgers with her dad. She slowly made her way downstairs and sat at the table. "So I saw Spider-Man on the news, is that who you went to help?" Sam questioned. "Yeah, I mean the kid couldn't take that guy on by himself, ketchup right?" Tony said, trying to change the subject. "You know I think he could, his suit is really cool and high tech and all," Sam said trying to hint that she knew about Peter. "Awww Sammy do you have a crush?" Tony picked on Sam. Though he thought he was funny he immediately caught something different in Sam's face. "What! No way, that's ridiculous dad," Sam said feeling her face grow warm. Tony scanned her face as he came to the table, and he set Sam's plate down in front of her. Did she know about Peter being Spider-Man? Tony thought to himself, but more importantly did she like the boy? "Anyway, did you get the guy?" Sam questioned breaking the tension. Tony brushed off the blushing face, he thought that maybe Sam just thought it was cute that Spider-Man had saved her before. "Almost, but somehow he got away at the last minute," Tony stated, resentment in his voice. "Don't beat yourself up over it dad, it's not like he can go very far with those metal arms on his back. If I was a villain I probably would have thought about adding a retracting system to the arms," Sam scoffed thinking how stupid it was that Oc didn't. "Maybe that's how he got away, I never thought about that before, but that would make sense as to how he could walk right out of that school and blend in to get away, Sam your a genius." Tony said getting more excited as he spoke. "If you really think so I will take twenty dollars for my contribution," Sam said laughing and extending her hand. Tony just laughed and gave her a high five. Though it didn't exactly help him find the guy who wanted to hurt his daughter, it did give him more of a hint of what he was up against. Peter was right, this guy had a brain and he definitely was using it. The rest of dinner went as usual. Sam and Tony exchanged jokes, talked about their days and enjoyed the cheeseburgers that sat in front of them. When they were finished Sam hugged her dad as he kissed the top of her head. Then they parted ways. Tony headed down towards his lab, Sam presumed he was going to do more research, and she headed upstairs to her bedroom. Once she reached her room she looked out the window to see a message stuck to her window. She smiled for a moment realizing that it was made out of web, it said "I'm sorry." She picked up her phone and dialed Peter. "I don't suppose you're still here?" She questioned after Peter picked up the phone. "No but let me explain," Peter said. Sam could tell there was worry in his voice. She slightly giggled finding his apology adorable, yet responded firmly still wanting an explanation. "I am all ears Parker." Peter took a deep breath and began, "Well your dad wanted to meet with me, and because he doesn't want you to know I am Spider-Man, he didn't want me to tell you that I was here. I already feel torn lying to him as it is, I promise I didn't mean it to hurt you. Any chance we could look past this?" Peter spoke all in one go, as if this was his last breath. "I accept your apology, mostly because it's adorable and also because I know my dad is a little intimidating. Just don't make a habit of lying to me Peter," Sam said trying hard to hide the giddiness in her voice as she spoke. "Won't happen again, I promise," Peter said as though his life depended on it. They spoke on the phone for a while, talking about everything from vines to funny names for Doc Oc. "Peter it's almost midnight," Sam said speaking through laughter as Peter told her how Tony called him Mr. Krabs. "Wow, I guess time does go by fast when you're having fun" he said also through laughter. "So what did dad want to meet with you about anyway? Must have been important if he needed you to skip school," Peter could feel the sweat on his face. He just promised to her he wouldn't lie, but he couldn't tell her about Oc either. He couldn't scare her like that. "Well, the suit needed some REALLY big updates, you know your dad, always wanting to outdo himself," Peter said hating himself for lying to her again. "Makes sense," Sam said in agreement with Peter's statement which didn't make him feel any better. Yawning Sam started back up again "I really should be getting to sleep." Peter smiled "Yeah me too, goodnight Sammy." Sam felt her heart leap "Goodnight Peter," she said blissfully. Sam went to bed again with a smile on her face. The way Peter made her feel gave her the belief that they could keep this secret going forever, until the timing was right for her dad to know. Little did Sam know though, Steve had been on the other side of her door and heard the end of their conversation. He had originally come up to challenge Sam to a game of cards, yet now he was playing a whole all other game in his mind. He quickly made his way back down stairs, wondering whether or not he should tell Tony.

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