Chapter Seven

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“Do you have any idea what you put me through today?” Tony started up, the anger in his voice very clear. “I got done early, called Pepper and was gonna have her come over so we could all have dinner together, and when pepper gets here you're nowhere to be found. So what does she do? She calls me frantic thinking someone took you. Lucky me, I could track you and find where you were. But I still didn't know who you were with Sam!” Tony said as frantic as Sam imagined he had been hours before. “Dad I am sorry I was just thinking that...” Sam said before being cut off. “That's the thing Sam what were you thinking?” Tony raised his voice to her. Sam didn't think about what she said next, she just opened her mouth and fought back, “You wanna know what I was thinking dad? I was thinking that for once in my life I could be normal! Have friends, hang out with people my age! do something besides sitting around here all day, waiting for something to happen!” Once Sam was finished Tony snickered  more than aggravated at his daughter and said, “So you go out with who? Some kid you met online? They could have been someone wanting to kidnap you or worse.” Tony only assumed she met him online. After he had seen that she was in Queens, he didn't even bother to look exactly where she was at, he just sent Happy to go get her, and with the state he was in Happy didn't ask any questions. “I didn't meet him online I met him here,” Sam spoke slower with every word, she spoke knowing her dad was about be even more upset about it being a boy. “Oh here, you met HIM here ? If you think you are ever going near that front desk again you are sadly mistaken Samantha. What would have happened if someone saw you leave here and followed you? What then Sam?” Tony said still sounding angry but more sad than anything now, as he thought about what it would have been like if he had lost her. The emotion pushed him to say what he was about to say next, “You're grounded Samantha.” Sam stared back at her dad “So what does that mean for me dad? No desk job? No helping in the lab? Cool take out the fun things in my life, you know I was just trying to have fun and be normal! All I do is sit in the same house everyday, follow all your rules, put up with your girlfriend, and I do one thing for myself and I get everything in my life taken away?  Thats bull shit dad! You ruined my good time by the way, I hope you're happy, Peter and I were having a great time until you had to mess that all up.” Sam screamed at her dad and every word that came out of her mouth made tears well up in her eyes until she was just sobbing. Tony stared at his fragile daughter and realized his worst fear had come true. By this point Tony was almost in tears as well, he opened his mouth slowly and finally said “I have done it all for you munchkin, if something happened to you I would lose my mind. Don't you get that? You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and if one of my enemy's knew that they could take you away, they would use you against me.” He began to put his arm around Sam as she sobbed, her head down on the table, “I can't have that happen. I love you kid,” Tony hadn't realized how fragile he could be when it came to Sam until now. He had spoiled her, gave her everything she ever wanted, tried his best not to be like his dad and she still came out damaged. Sam had boiled up at this point, nothing could make her feel better, she stood up ignoring her dads attempt at comforting her and said “I love you too dad, but this isn't normal, I should have friends and a life outside of this tower.” With that she quickly and quietly went to her room ignoring her dad's attempts to get her to come back. To make matters worse, when she made it to her room she checked her phone to realize she had a message from Peter. "Hey it's Peter, of course you know that, but what was that about today? You got all nervous and lied to me, then you left without even acknowledging May Ned or I. BTW Ned agrees he has never seen you around school. Do you really go to Midtown? What else are you lying about? I like you Stacy but I want the truth." Sam just put her phone down and closed her eyes not knowing what to say. She began to cry harder then before, she realized not only was her father upset with her but so was Peter. She had disappointed everyone she cared about today. Slowly her tears turned into silence as she slipped into sleep. Meanwhile, Tony was downstairs recovering from the argument. Every word she had said was like a punch in the stomach. He was hurting. He was playing back everything in his head as he poured himself a drink to take the edge off. But then something struck him, she said the boy's name was Peter. That she had met him here, and she was in Queens. Due to being too frantic at the time he didn't check the exact location. He pulled up the tracking APP again, and looked back through her logs for the day and there it was. She was with Parker the whole time. Quickly forgetting his drink he went upstairs to check on Sam and to bring her dinner. To his surprise she was asleep, all the stress probably made her tired. He decided he would leave her food on her desk for when she woke up. He tucked her in with her favorite blue blanket, he had gotten it for her the day he found her. He then kissed her on the forehead and went to his lab. “FRIDAY, call Peter,” he was about to get answers. He listened to the phone dial and when Peter finally picked up he got straight to the point. “Suit up and meet me on the top of that bank in ten,” he hung up and stepped right into his suit without a second thought. When he reached the bank he stepped out of the suit to meet a confused Peter Parker. “Is-is everything alright Mr. Stark?” Peter stutterd out. “Oh yeah everything's great,” Tony said sarcastically. “You have seemed different the last two days Peter, why is that?” Tony asked already knowing the answer. “Well I did meet someone,” despite the fact that he was very confused and sad about Sam's lies, Peter couldn't help but smile when he thought about the sweet girl he had only met a day ago. “She is sweet, a little flakey, but so beautiful and smart, with eyes that cut right into my soul and I know it's stupid because I've only known her for two days but, I really like her Mr. Stark.” Peter explained all of this while staring right past Tony, imaging Sam standing there instead. Tony couldn't help but smile even if it was just a little bit. If it had been anyone else but his kid he would be happy for him, but it would be too much of a risk for Sam to be with him. “My receptionist Stacy, right?” Peter froze at the sound of Tony's voice, how did he know that? “Um yeah that's right How….” Tony cut him off “Look, I like you kid but she already has me for a dad and I can't risk anything else putting her in danger and her name is Sam not Stacy. I will only say this once kid so listen up. Stay away from my daughter, got it?” with every word he got closer to Peter, and Peter didn't back away. “Have a good evening Parker, and don't mention Spider-Man or this conversation to her, ok?” Tony then flew off heading back home, leaving Peter alone on the bank. The whole way home Peter could only think to himself that at least everything made sense now. The lies, her being nervous, not seeing her around school, and Tony not wanting him to talk to her the day he came in to Stark Tower. When he finally reached his room again he got ready for bed and texted Sam. "Hey we really need to talk I will see you tomorrow :)" He set his phone down and closed his eyes with a smile on his face. He was gonna keep the girl with the golden eyes in his life one way or another. and if she couldn't come to him he would always go to her.

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