Chapter Seventeen

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Steve woke up, he had made up his mind that there was no way he could tell Tony, there was no way he could break Sam's trust. Though they weren't blood related, he did feel a connection to her and loved her as if she were. Although Sam talked about it very little with Steve he knew that she wanted a normal life. While he wasn't going to tell Tony he thought he should let Sam know that he knew. He began to move the couch out of the way, so he and Sam had enough room to train this morning. Nat and Tony came to an agreement that she should start off with someone a little more easy when it came to fighting techniques. Though he was strong and ruthless when he needed to be, Steve would also go easier on Sam than Clint or Nat due to his caring nature. After a few moments he heard the noise of Sam making her way down the many stairs leading to the living room. "Ah are you ready to train?" Steve said joyfully to Sam. She responded by looking at him and rolling her eyes. "Oh come on at least it's just me today," Steve said cheerfully back. "Yeah, maybe I will actually stand a chance," Sam replied back sarcastically. Steve smiled and began his lesson. "While you are clumsy and can barely land an accurate hit, you do have a very important skill," Steve spoke clearly so that she did not miss a word. "And what exactly would that be?" Sam inquired back. Steve took a swing at Sam, and she promptly moved out of the way. She shockingly looked back at him. "You pay attention," Steve said smiling back at her. "So what? I can dodge and hide, a child can do that," Sam said. "Yes but even your father at times can get cocky, he will sometimes overlook obvious attacks from not watching his attacker. I have seen it happen." Sam giggled at Steve's comment. "So you've got the most important thing down. Defense. Your attacker zigs and you zag. The next step is to attack back as you zag. Got it?" Sam looked at him more confused than ever. "More of a hands on learner, huh? Let’s go again," Steve said before instantly lunging at Sam. She reacted instantaneously and moved out of the way. "Stop right there, that was good. Zig and zag" he said as he imitated Sams movement. "Do it again, but this time hit me here after you move," Steve said pointing to his chest. "Okay," Sam replied back shyly. Once again Steve lunged at Sam and she moved out of the way.  This time she did as she was told, she fought back hitting him in the chest. "See that was good!" Steves tone of voice and smile was encouraging. "Now the next thing is remembering to not become distracted, if you're going to be dealing with someone like Oc he's gonna run his mouth so you will need to learn to ignore him." Steve spoke with confidence yet deep down he was nervous. This would be a perfect time to both teach and let her know he knows about Peter. "Alright let's start," Steve said thinking through in his head how he was gonna do this. He lunged and as Sam moved out of the way he said, "You look tired, late night?" Sam went in for the hit and grunted a response. “No, just bored.” Steve grabbed her wrist and Sam hit him with her free hand, he then relaxed her wrist. "That was good!" Steve said excited, he was proud of her for catching on, and then he started in for the next round. "I bet talking to Peter helps," he said. Sam blocked his hit. He knew, but how? She regained focus, she wanted to prove she was learning. She answered him, deep in concentration. "Well, dad said yesterday at dinner I was allowed to have him as a friend." Sam wasn't lying, it did in fact come up, and Peter confirmed that dad mentioned it to him, but that Spider-Man was still to be a secret, and no dating of course. "Friends that flirt," Steve said while moving back swiftly to allow Sam to go for a much too obvious hit. But Sam didn't take the bait, and took up a defensive position. "Nice try," Sam said acknowledging that she she read his trick. "And even if I do flirt it's not like I can act on it, I am here all day," Sam said as Steve went to go in for another attack. "You can't, but he could always come to you." Sam tried to play it off but was obviously stunned by this comment by Steve, does he know? I need to play it cool, she thought to herself. "I don't understand, with all the security and all," Sam said clumsily dodging his attack, her mind was wandering away from the attack. Steve's last comment was cunning, he knew it would send Sam through a loop. "I am sure with his web shooters and ability to crawl up walls you guys could make it work." Same froze and began to respond. "Wha-" as she was knocked to the floor by Steve. He extended his hand out to help her up. "Maybe you can explain yourself over some breakfast." Steve smiled as he pulled her up. Sam was nervous and thinking of a way out as they made their way over to the kitchen. "Please just don't tell dad," Sam pleaded with Steve. "Deal," Steve said. He really just wanted to know what was going on between them and if Peter was being a gentleman. He personally thought at times Tony’s rules could be ridiculous. He understood wanting to keep her safe, but he also believed that she should be allowed to have a personal life. "We met last Thursday when I was working the front desk, we hit it off immediately, I didn't know about Spider-Man until the day at the mall. I know dad doesn't want me too and that I am asking a lot from Peter to break the no dating rule, and the ‘keep Spider-Man secret’ rule my dad had give him but I-I..." Sam froze. She didn't know if she could bring herself to say the words. She did feel very strongly about him. Steve stared back at Sam. He had watched her grow up and now he was watching her fall in love. Something he could sympathize with given his past with Peggy. "I get it," Steve said picking up her sentence. "I won't say anything, but you've got to promise me that when the time is right you will tell your dad." Sam stared back, took a deep breath and finally said "Deal," before extending out her pinky finger to do her pinky promise. Steve took her pinky and smiled saying, “One last thing, if you want it to be a secret maybe don’t use speaker phone.” They ate and talked about her progress to.  Before long Tony came up stairs from his lab and joined them at the table. "So how did she do this morning Cap?" Tony beamed at his daughter from across the table. "She's improving a lot," Steve said smiling at Sam. Steve spent the rest of the morning sitting back and listening to Tony and Sam carry the conversations, adding in a laugh or two here and there. Finally he got up to head out for his morning run. Before he left he looked back to see Sam laughing. She was such a great kid. Even though she wasn't his or even Tony's biologically, he was grateful to have her in his life. He knew Tony would flip the day he figured out, but Sam deserved to be happy, and he would go to his grave keeping his nieces secret if need be.

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