Chapter Twenty-Six

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Sam woke up somewhat early this morning to get her birthday started. Getting out of bed she put on some music, quickly showered and put her new outfit on. She tucked the textured grey blouse into her high waisted black jeans and paired the ensemble with her favorite Italian heels. She put some curling gel in her damp hair and let it dry naturally before pulling her bangs back into a small ponytail. She then applied a little makeup, keeping things very natural then checked her phone. To her surprise she had a text from Peter already. A smile painted across her face as she read the message. “Happy birthday Sammy! You are amazing I just want you to know that! Also here is your first birthday gift. A review of Stanley Kubrick's “The Shining”. Yes! I stayed up all night watching a horror movie just for you, so Happy Birthday! First off, the cinematography is beautiful, every angle is just breathtaking. Jack Torrance is so creepy even when he was supposed to be normal, his facial expressions still just made me feel weird. But no one is more weird than that kid. REDRUM!? No thank you! AND THAT ENDING! WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Was Jack there the whole time, or did he die then get sent into the past like some weird ghost dimension thing? Overall though I loved the movie. It was awesome and still scary!” Sam giggled as she finished reading Peters message. She decided to text him back immediately, happy with what he thought about one of her favorite movies. She turned down Sunflower, but left the sweet melodies of the song continuing to play in the background as she composed her message back to Peter. “I am glad you liked it so much and thanks for finding me amazing. You are pretty amazing yourself pete :).” Sam started her message off blushing while typing out the words. “Every shot has purpose and is perfectly caught on camera as though it's not even a movie but something you are watching through your own eyes. Jack Nicholson does portray Jack Torrance in a very interesting way and his performance is amazing! On the other hand if you read the book (I have a copy if you think you can handle it)  the character is much more calm about his actions, which to me is much scarier. I have always interpreted the ending like this; maybe Jack was possessed by something that had always been in the hotel, it isn’t exactly foolproof but I like the theory! Also do you even remember the twins? Definitely creepier than Danny! P.S I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU LATER!” Sam headed down stairs after sending her message to Peter. When she made it down to the kitchen of Stark Tower she was in awe of what she saw. Gifts lined the table from everyone she knew, she counted 36 in total. Only one spot was left without any gifts on it. On that part of the table there was a stack of pancakes and a note from Steve, “Went out on my run see ya later birthday girl.” She smiled as she placed the note back on the table and grabbed the plate of pancakes and went to sit on the couch. She looked at the pancakes after having turned on the TV, and was excited to see that steve had baked sprinkles into them and had frosting holding the three pancakes together. This looks amazing, she thought to herself as she cut a piece off ready to take her first bite. After taking a minute or two to really appreciate how amazing the pancakes tasted he started to flip through the channels until she found something to entertain herself with until her dad woke up. She settled on watching Twilight as it was on already and she couldn't find anything else to watch. Though Sam knew the books and movies were flawed in some areas she kind of liked them. Though she would never tell anyone, she was completely compelled by the love story between Bella and Edward. Sure it was creepy sometimes but overall it was kind of adorable. It was definitely a guilty pleasure of hers. Sam was watching the part where Edward jumps out the window with Bella on his back, and smiled sweetly, thinking about how it reminded her of Peter. She took another bite of her super sweet pancakes as she watched the movie, hearing the sound of footsteps approaching the couch. She turned around to see who it was and smiled seeing that it was Pepper. “What are you watching?” Pepper inquired with a scrunched up face. “Um...Twilight” Sam said with a mouth full of pancakes. “Mind if I watch with you?” Pepper asked slightly giggling through her words. “Sure!” Sam smiled and turned back around to watch the movie. “That looks disgusting, what is it?” Pepper asked as she made her way around the couch to see the pancakes already half gone on the plate. “They are funfetti pancakes with frosting, crafted made by Master Chef Rodgers, and they are AWESOME!” Sam said, her eyes so wide Pepper thought they might pop out. “I will take your word for it kid,” Pepper laughed. “Anyway what is this Twilight movie about anyway?” Sam looked at Pepper her eyes growing even wider than before. “You have never seen Twilight?” Pepper just silently shook her head back at Sam. “Okay, so that guy there, he is a vampire but he still like, has to go to highschool and stuff so people don't think he is a vampire,” Sam started off. “Okay...” Pepper said acknowledging that she understood so far. “And that girl there, she is human and goes to the same high school as him, and they fell in love. But the story is really kind of weird, because he always lowkey wants to kill her and drink her blood. Also the acting is pretty atrocious and the camera work is enough to make anyone dizzy.” Pepper laughed hearing Sam explain the movie. “Sounds like I could get a good laugh out of this.” The two of them watched the movie together as Sam finished her stack of pancakes. As they reached the end of the movie and were watching the prom scene both of them were smiling hopelessly at the screen. “You can't be serious? Are you guys really watching Twilight?” Tony asked coming around the corner to see what was on the TV. “Hey dad!” Sam said turning the TV down and getting up to hug her father. “Happy Birthday Kiddo!” Tony said embracing his daughter and kissing her on top of the head. “Are you ready to open your first gift?” Tony questioned pulling away. “Of course I am!” Sam squealed, running over to the table where all of the gifts sat.. “None of those are from me actually, you can open those later. The gift I am talking about is downstairs.”  Sam looked at her dad with pure excitement and rushed to the elevator, Tony and Pepper following close behind. Sam loved when her dad made her gadgets in the lab. Those gifts; whether they were her super advance phone, or her shoes that lace themselves like in Back to The Future, always made the best gifts. “Now before we get off this elevator I need you to put this over your eyes,” Tony said handing Sam a sleep mask. Taking the mask and putting it on Sam said “oooo I love surprises.” Sams heart began to race as she heard the elevator doors open. She walked out with her dad and Pepper leading her to the lab. “Okay,” Tony said as they reached the lab. “You can take it off now,” Sam quickly threw the mask off her face, seeing her dad holding out a beautiful necklace. The chain was silver and held one single diamond with a thin silver circle around it. "This is beautiful dad, but I don't understand why we had to come down stairs for this." Finishing her sentence Sam then picked up the diamond charm and gripped it in her hand. Instantly the necklace changed and Sam began to feel really weird. She began to feel metal form around her body, causing her to freak out a little which amused Tony. Once everything stopped Sam looked in the mirror. Her eyes were so big, her mouth opened in shock and her eyes watered. In front of her was a suit similar to her father's, but it was black and silver, and slimmer to accommodate her size. “Is Ashton Kutcher here? Am I being punked?” Sam asked basking in the glory of the suit on her. Sam had always secretly wanted to be apart of the action when she heard the stories of the missions the Avengers went on. “Nope, I started making it when Oc was still around. But I figured that you should have one, just in case another creepy guy after my money found out about you too. It's not a toy by the way, its for protection only. I know it isn't clothes or a CD but...” Sam quickly interrupted her father “I love it dad!” Sam then ran toward Tony pulling him in for a hug. “Let’s do some practicing,” Tony said to an excited Sam. Tony watched as Sam looked at herself in the mirror still admiring her suit as he walked into his, and couldn't help but think how awesome of a kid she really was. For the next hour and a half he taught her how to properly use the suit, how it flew and how the system worked. Finally they retracted their head pieces, both of them grinning, Sams being the biggest. Tony looked at his daughter and said “Let’s give it a test drive. Think you can keep up?” Before engaging his mask again and shot out the open window, Sam close on his trail.

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